Life of Luther
God's Law
God's Law II
This is the name of the man who translated the Bible into the language of the people he served (German).
Who is Martin Luther.
These are what is absolutely needed for Holy Baptism.
What is water and the Word of God.
This how much of the Bible is God's Word, true and trustworthy.
What is all of it! Word for Word.
This is where I can find the clear and reliable understanding of God's law.
What is the Bible.
This is why the law of God cannot get us to heaven.
What is the law requires perfection and we've sinned and fallen short.
Luther did not start out planning to start a new church body. This is what he hoped to accomplish.
What is to reform the church.
Whom are we to baptize?
Who is "all nations"
This is what we should not do with the words of the Bible and its teachings.
What is add, subtract or change them.
This is why I can't just rely on conscience to know what is write and wrong.
What is conscience can be mistaken and clouded by sin.
This is the only group of people who can properly use God's law as a guide.
What is believers in Christ.
These were the pieces of paper the Church was selling to forgive peoples sins.
What are indulgences.
This is the Word of God that is used with the water of Baptism.
What is "I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
This is how we know the Bible is truly God's Word.
What is the Holy Spirit guided the writers (Inspiration).
These are the two places one can find the law of God.
What are the human heart (testified to by conscience) and the Bible.
This is the name for anything or anyone that takes the place of love and trust that God alone deserves.
What is an idol.
This is the problem with indulgences and purgatory.
What are they are not in the Bible and they contradict the Word of God that says we're forgiven thru Christ Alone!
This is the reason why children need Baptism.
What is they are sinful, are able to believe and are included in all nations.
This is how the Bible tells me I can be certain I'm going to heaven.
What is Jesus lived a holy life in my place and died to take away all my sins as proven by His rising from the dead.
This is the one word summary of God's law.
What is love. (to divide into two would be: love God and love Neighbor)
This is the important reason why God has given us His names and titles and why we don't want to misuse it.
What is God gave His name to save us.
These are the three "Solas" of the Reformation.
What are: Grace Alone Faith Alone Scripture (Word) Alone (optional: Christ Alone)
These are blessings baptism brings us. (at least two)
What are: forgiveness of sins, new life, salvation, (heaven), faith to believe these promises.
These are the languages the Bible was originally written in.
What are Hebrew and Greek (Bonus: some in Aramaic)
This is the reason why God's people want to keep His law.
What is God's amazing and undeserved love to us in giving us all we have and need, but above all in His saving us through Jesus. Living faith is eager to respond.
Name the three purposes God gave His law for.
What is a mirror (to show sin), a curb (to keep people from doing some evil things out of fear of punishment), a guide (to show the believer saved through faith in Jesus how to live in thanks for God).