Topographic Maps
Moon Phases
Continental Drift Theory
Plate Boundaries
Miscellaneous & Tides

What tool BEST allows a geologist to study coastal erosion caused by recent hurricanes?

What are satellite images


What is the correct series of phase from a 1st quarter moon to a third quarter moon?

What is a Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon and a Waning Gibbous


The Great Rift Valley is a large land fracture hat extends 3000 kilometers across the African continent. What process formed the Great Rift Valley?

What is the widening of the crust along a divergent boundary as two plates carrying continents pulled apart.


Earthquakes and Volcanoes are usually located in relation to these

What are plate boundaries


The Himalayan mountains are the result of a ___________________________ boundary.

What is convergent boundary


A team of surveyors takes measurements of ground altitude at horizontal intervals of 1 meter over a 400 square meter area. These measurements can BEST be used to produce which representation of the area?

What is a topographical map


Only a small part of the Moon's visible surface is lit following the new moon. What phase is the moon in?

What is the waxing crescent phase


Evidence of matching animal fossils from two separate continents _____________________ and _____________________

What is Africa and South America


The mid-ocean ridge is an example of a ____________________ boundary and ___________________ occurs here where new ocean floor is formed.

What is divergent boundary; sea-floor spreading


Hot air or liquid is less ________________ than cool air or liquid

What is dense


The Grand Canyon extends for 277 miles through northern Arizona. The Colorado River has continued to flow through the Grand Canyon for thousands of years. How will the features of the Grand Canyon most likely be reshaped by erosion caused by the Colorado River?

What is the waters of the Colorado River will remove silt from the sides of the canyon, continuing to widen the canyon


A student keeps a record of the phases of the moon for one month. On the first night of the student's observation, a  full moon was visible in the sky. Which phase will the student observe next?

What is the waning gibbous phase


Evidence of tropical plants was found on the North Pole. What theory leads to substantiating why tropical plants would be found in an area as cold as the North Pole?

What is the theory of continental drift.


Name the three types of boundaries?

What is convergent, divergent & transform


_________________ are a result from the build up of stress at a plate boundary that cause the plates to fracture.

What are earthquakes


On a topographic map the _______________ areas on the map are shown by contour lines that are _________ together; and the more _____________ areas are shown by contour lines that are __________ apart.

Steep,  closer     |      gradual, farther


1.  The Moon goes through all of its phases in a           lunar month. How long does it take for the
     moon to complete its phases? 

2.  During the second half of the month, the
     Moon becomes increasingly thinner as it
     wanes. Which phase follows the Waning
     Crescent phase?

27 - 29.5 days     |     New Moon


What evidence did mountains on different continents provide Wegener on continental drift?

What is all the continents seemed to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle.


What mechanism within the core of the Earth causes the tectonic plates to move?

What are convection currents.


The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a ____________________ boundary.

What is a transform boundary


What type of a map is used to identify features on the planets surface with a 3D perspective?

What is a topographic map


In the lunar cycle a new moon is on April 4, 2019, what moon phase will happen on April 18, 2019, 14 days later?

What is a full moon


Alfred Wegeners Continental Drift Theory was not accepted by the scientific community because it did not explain what?

What is how the continents moved


The two types of convergent boundaries

What is subduction (where volcanoes often occur) 


convergent/collision (where mountains are usually formed)


What is a large crack in the Earth between tectonic plates called?

Who is a fault line.