What do we recieve on our foreheads
blessed ash.
What is lent
a 40 day period where cathliocs pray , fast , and give up something.
how many gifts do we recieve?
the ability to have good judgement is?
what is the definition of a vocation?
a call to a way of life. e
whats a rule we must follow during ash wesnesday?
Everyone of age 14 and up must abstain from consuming meat
How many days of lent are there?
understanding faith is?
helps us understand faith.
the ability to learn is?
What is the definiton of a virtue?
A good habit that helps us act according to god
Where does the ash come from?
dried palms of the previous year's Palm Sunday procession.
Why do we give up meat on Fridays during Lent?
jesus sacrafice himself for us on good friday
is it good to show fortitude before or after you get confirmed?
before and after!
list all 12 fruits
charity , joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness , genesity , gentleness , faithfulness , modesty ,self control , chasity
What are the cardinal virtues
temperance , prudence, justice , fortitude
What does the priest say when he puts the ash on our foreheads?
"Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return"
The orgin of lent is?
Lent was started by the Christian church as a way to prepare our minds and hearts for Easter.
what happen to jesus after he was baptsim?
the holy spirit came to him.
to be in awe of God's holiness is?
fear of the lord
What are the three main orders
episcopate (bishop), presbyterate (priest), and diaconate (deacon).
Why do we start lent with ash wesnesday?
because it marks the start of a 40-day period of reflection, prayer, and fasting in preparation for Easter, with the ashes symbolizing mortality and repentance, and the 40 days echoing Jesus' time in the deser
when did lent start? (in history)
325 AD
who gave us confirmation?
the gift of following god and obeying his will.
what was pierre toussaint popular for?
being a hairdresser.