How many days of creation?
What is 7?
Our First Parents
Who are Adam and Eve?
The name of the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
What is Pentateuch?
Who denied Jesus 3 times?
Who is Peter?
He built an Ark
Who is Noah?
Jesus was wrapped in these.
What are swaddling clothes?
The Voice of One Crying Out in the Desert
Who is John the Baptist?
What is a cubit?
What is a length of measurement?
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
Who is Luke?
She stayed with her mother-in-law
Who is Ruth?
List of generations or family members.
What is a genealogy?
Who was sold into slavery by his brothers?
Who is Joseph?
He was sent to Saul/Paul
Who is Ananias?
Special word for Genesis 3:15
What is the Protoevangelium?