This sin breaks our relationship with God.
What is Mortal Sin?
This is the proper posture during the reading of the Gospel.
What is standing?
This is the prayer that Jesus gave us when he taught his apostles to pray.
What is the Our Father?
This is the name of a town where our Lady told the children to always pray the rosary
What is Fatama
This is the only two sacrament that must be received prior to Confirmation.
What is Baptism and Holy Communion?
These Three Symbols or images are often to describe what the Holy SPIRIT LOOKS LIKE
what is a Dove, or driving Wind or toungs of Fire
What is original sin?
We are born with it . The sin of our first parents Adam and Eve
He is the successor of St. Peter and the visible head of the church.
Who is the Pope?
The word "Eucharist" means what in English?
What is Thanksgiving?
This prayer is usually prayed at Mass and is a profession of faith.
What is the Nicene Creed?
This Mystery of the rosary is always prayed on Mondays and Friday
The Sorrowful Mysteries
This is the title for the person chosen to be a mentor to the candidate preparing for Confirmation.
What is a sponsor?
name the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.
What did the Scrament of Baptism do for you
Jesus cleans us of all our sin. We become a adopted child of God
These are the Sacraments of Initiation.
What are Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation?
The Mass is divided into these two parts.
What are the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
This prayer was given to St. Dominic and is prayed on beads.
What is the rosary?
What is the name of mystery of the Holy Rosary where we reflecton Christs resurrection.
The Glorious Mysteries
This is the person who normally confers the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Who is the Bishop?
The Holy Spirit is often called by these names
the PARACLETE, or Spirit of Truth or Helper
How is Original sin taken away?
By receiving the sacrament of Baptism
On this day Jesus gave up his life on the Cross.
What is Good Friday?
The word "Mass" comes from the word "misa" which means this.
What is "sent"?
Following the sign of peace at Mass we sing or pray the "Agnus Dei". This is what it means in English.
What is "Lamb of God"?
In this mystery we remember Christ crucifixion
The sorrowful Mysteries
When the Bishop anoints the forehead of the candidate being confirmed he says, "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit." This is the candidate's reponse.
What is "Amen"?
describe what the gift of Piety means.
A Deep Respect for God and all that he gives us
How many kinds of sin are there
Two kinds: Mortal and Venial
Because of this sin by Adam and Eve our soul at birth bears it's mark.
What is Original Sin.
Christ is present in these four ways at Mass.
What is the priest, the people, the word (readings), and the Eucharist (bread and wine)?
We sing or say the Kyrie Eleison at Mass. This is what it means in English.
What is "Lord have mercy"?
We pray this Mystery and remember Christs birth.
What is the Joyful Mysteries
These are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Confirmation.
What are wisdom, knowledge, understanding, right judgment (counsel), reverence (piety), wonder and awe (fear of the Lord), and courage (fortitude)?
What does the Holy Spirit do for you in the sacrament of Confirmation?
The Holy Spirit strengthens us so we can lead a holy and apostolic life
What is a Mortal sin?
A serious act of disobedience against the laws of God. It breaks our relation with God.
Name the four Mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous
It is the source and summit of the Christian faith.
What is the Eucharist
This prayer contains the verse ...'now and at the hour of our death..."
What is the Hail Mary?
This is the newest of the mysteries instituted by St. John Paul II where we can reflect on the light of Christ
What is the Luminous mysteries
On this days Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to fill the desciples with the Spirits Grace
What is Pentecost.
What was Pentecost?
When the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles ten days after Christ rose to heaven
When did Jesus institute the Eucharist
At the Last Supper
Recite the first five of the Ten Commandments
1. I am the Lordyour God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in Vane
3. Remember to keep Holy the Lords Day
4. Honor your father and your mother
5.You shall not kill.
What is the first thing we do when entering or leaving a church. And what do we do before and after leaving our pews.
Dip our finger into the holy water font and bless ourselves.
We genuflect on one knee showing reverence to Almighty God who is present in the tabernacle
Recite the Guardian Angel prayer
Angel of God my guardian dear to whom Gods love Commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide
This Holy Oil used by the Bishop is used to anoint you
What is Chrism
What is the name of our present Pope
The present Pope is Pope Francis
On what day of the week did Jesus Die on the Cross
Good Friday
On what day of the week did Jesue rise from the dead
Easter Sunday
What do you say when the priest says to you, 'The Lord Be With You at Mass
we respond " and with your Spirit"
After the petitions are recited at Mass, the congration together recites this prayer.
The Creed - all that as Christians we believe
What is the definition of "What is a Sacrament."
A sacrament is an outward sign made by Christ to give grace.
There are 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit, name Three.
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Modesty, Chastity, Gentleness, Generosity and Self Control.
Name the Seven Sacraments
Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick