Don’t be Dogmatic!
Sacred Scripture
Be a Saint!
Repent and Submit
The Moral Life

This Marian dogma is often mistaken as referring to the miraculous beginning of Jesus’ life, but it is actually in reference to the sinless beginning of Mary’s life.

What is the Immaculate Conception?


This is the number of books in the Bible

What is 73?


This Italian mountaineer isn’t (officially) a saint yet, but will be very soon!

Who is Pier Giorgio Frassati?


This was the name of the first pope!

What is St. Peter?


This is the virtue whereby a person a person discerns the right thing to do, in the right way, for the right reasons.

What is prudence?


This mysterious dogma is perhaps most difficult to understand for Mr. Hull-Nye… 1+1+1=1?

What is the Trinity?


This is the number of books that Martin Luther took out of the Bible.

What is 7?


This virgin and martyr from the early church is a patroness of music and musicians.

Who is Cecilia of Rome?


This is how you should address the pope when you meet him. 

What is "Your Holiness"?


This will prevent you from ruling yourself.

What is sin (or vice)?


This is the name of the dogma that articulates the union of both human and divine nature in the incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

What is the hypostatic union?


These ways to extend kinship (by oath) provide connections and structure to the whole bible.

What is a covenant?


This preacher and founder is a major reason why you don’t know any Albigensians.

Who is St. Dominic de Guzmán?


Popes are infallible when they teach from the chair of St. Peter, a kind of teaching designated by this latin phrase.

What is ex cathedra?


Famously, this vice is the queen of all the deadly sins, and the first vice purged in Dante’s Purgatorio.

What is Pride?


Each Catholic who approaches to receive Holy Communion must be in this state, or else he doubles up on the mortal sin!

What is the state of grace?


This gospel author was not technically a martyr… but we celebrate his feast day in the Christmas octave with red vestments as if he was.

Who is St. John?


This doctor and mother wasn’t a martyr… technically. 

Who is St. Gianna Molla?


This famous (and enormous) basilica is often confused as the location of the Pope’s chair… but it is not!

What is St. Peter’s Basilica? 


At Coeur du Christ Academy, this is the virtue of the month for September (2024).

What is justice?


St. Thomas Aquinas (and the first Vatican Council) taught that human beings can figure out that God exists without the help of divine revelation… but that it would be after a long time, only accomplished by a few, and with the admixture of these.

What are errors?


This Old Testament king was the last king before the Kingdom of Israel split in two.

Who is Solomon, son of David?


This famous saint is the main character in the famous play (and movie!) A Man for All Seasons.

Who is St. Thomas More?


This saint, through her charity (and toughness), got a pope to submit to her! (Or at least, follow her advice to move back to Rome from Avignon)

Who is Catherine of Sienna?


This is the branch of theology that studies human acts so as to direct them to a loving vision of God seen as our true, complete happiness and our final end. This vision is attained by means of grace, the virtues, and the gifts and in light of revelation and reason.

What is Moral Theology?