The First Pope.
Who is St. Peter
What is 'Hail Mary'?
The First Ecumenical council
what is the first council of Nicaea (325)?
The patron saint of Workers
What is St. Joseph?
The liturgical season leading up to Christmas?
What is Advent?
The last Pope with an original Papal Name.
What is Pope Francis
'Ave Christus Rex'
What is 'Hail Christ the King'?
The most recent Ecumenical council
What is the second Vatican Council (1962-1965)?
Patron saint of Parish priests
What is St. John of vianney?
this liturgical season begins on Christmas and ends on the Feast of the Epiphany
What is 'The Christmas Season'?
The number of Popes who have taken the name 'Benedict'
What is 16?
'Gloria in excelsis Deo'
What is 'Glory to God in the Highest'?
in 313 Constantine Issued BLANK*. Which allowed for religious tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire
* Title
What is 'The Edict of Milan'?
This Man will be the first canonized Millennial Saint
what is Blessed Carlo Acutis?
What the two parts of the mass?
what is the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist?
What is either Pope St. Callixtus I or Pope St. Pius I
(Either are acceptable answers)
'Agnus Dei'
What is 'Lamb of God'?
This Ecumenical council coined the term 'Theotokos' (Refers to the Virgin Mary)
what is the first council of Ephesus (431)
the Patron St. of cemetery workers
what is Pope St. Callixtus I?
Eastern Catholics refer to Mass as by this name:
What is 'Divine Liturgy'?
This man is the only Anti-Pope to be Canonized a Saint.
Who is St. Hippolytus?
(St. Hippolytus was a Rigorist, and disagreements over how to handle apostates returning to the church-- that is why he separated from the church. He, as well as Pope St. Pontian, were eventually captured during a persecution and sent to work in the Mines, where Hippolytus Renounced his Schism and was reconciled to the church)
'Ave Verum Corpus'
What is 'Hail True Body'?
According to popular legend (meaning its likely not really true), St. Nicholas BLANKED* BLANK**.
*Action Verb **Name
Slapped Arius (in the face)?
What is St Rose of Lima's Birth name?
What is Isabel?
the number of Catholic Liturgical Rites.
there are 23 distinct liturgical Rites within the catholic church?