This saint is known as the patron saint of animals and his feast day is October 4th.
St. Francis of Assisi
This sacrament is received first in the Catholic Church and involves water.
This prayer is known as the "Lord's prayer" and is recited by Catholics daily.
The Our Father
This book of the Bible tells the story of creation and the early history of humanity.
This symbol is often seen in the form of a cross with a body nailed to it and represents the sacrifice of Christ.
This English saint was the first Archbishop of Canterbury and is often associated with the conversion of the English.
St. Augustine of Canterbury
The sacrament in which Catholics receive the body and blood of Christ during the Mass.
This prayer is said to ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary,
Hail Mary
This book follows the journey of the Israelite's after they escape Egypt and enter the Promised Land.
This symbol is used to represent the Holy Spirit
This saint is the patron of the sick, and her feast day is celebrated on May 30th.
St. Bernadette Soubirous
The sacrament where a priest forgives sins in the name of Christ.
Reconciliation (Confession)
This prayer, commonly said before meals
Bless Us, O Lord
This Gospel writer is the only one of the four to be a physician.
St. Luke
This gesture symbolizes reverence upon entering and facing the altar in a Church
This saint, known for her mystical visions, is the patron of Italy and is a doctor of the Church.
St. Catherine of Siena
In this sacrament, a man and a woman are joined in marriage, receiving God's grace.
This prayer is used for healing and strength,
St. Michael's The Archangel prayer
This Old Testament book is the longest in terms of verses and tells the story of the Israelite's’ exile in Babylon.
These Greek letters symbolize the beginning and the end are often found in Churches
Alpha & Omega
This saint was the founder of the Jesuit order and a major figure in the Counter-Reformation.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
This sacrament is known as the "laying on of hands" and is received by those called to ordained ministry.
Holy Orders
This prayer is known for invoking the Holy Trinity
Sign of the Cross
This letter in the New Testament was written by Paul to Christians in Corinth.
1 Corinthians
This symbol is a representation of the Church's universal authority, featuring two crossed keys.
Papal Keys