What is the name of the food that dropped from heaven to feed the Israelites?
What is the name of the giant that David killed?
What is the name of the town where Jesus was born?
What bible books is the third reading at the Mass always from?
The Gospels
Say one Our Father or Padre Nuestro
Our Father
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
What is the name of David’s friend whom he had killed?
What was the name of the King who wanted to kill Jesus at his birth?
King Herod
What is the name of the body of Christ that we eat? It starts with an “E”?
The Eucharist
Say one Hail Mary or Ave Maria
Hail Mary
What is the name of the mountain where God gave the 10 Commandments?
Mount Sinai
What is the name of King David’s son who became King?
What is the name of the Angel that visited Mary and told her she would have a baby?
What is the name of the prayer we all say together before the sign of peace?
Our Father / Padre Nuestro
Say one Glory Be / La Gloria
Glory Be
What did Moses find after coming down from the mountain with the 10 Commandments
The Israelites worshipping the golden calf
Which King built the temple in Jerusalem?
Jesus was born and placed in a manger to rest. What is a manger?
A place where animals eat from
Name at least two of the priests at our church.
Monsignor David, Father, Rodolphe, Father Keith
What is the prayer in the Rosary that we say 53 times?
Hail Mary (Ave María)
What was the name of the walled city the Israelites found AND what did they have to do to enter it?
Jericho. They had to march around it for seven days
What is the name of the “case” that the Temple replaced. The Israelites carried this all over the dessert and it had the 10 Commandments in it.
The Ark of the Covenant
What were the three gifts that the three wise men brought Jesus?
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
When during the Mass does the bread and wine actually turn into the Body and Blood of Jesus?
When the priests says the words of consecration and lifts up the bread and wine.
How many Decades (sets of prayers) are in a standard Rosary prayer?