This is the part of the Mass wherein the word of God is proclaimed?
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The number of Sacraments the church has.
What is Seven?
The Prayer we say to that we are sorry for our sins and that we will sin no more.
What is the Act of Contrition?
How many sacraments does the Roman Catholic Church have?
What is 7? The seven sacraments are the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, marriage, holy orders, anointing of the sick, confirmation, and the Eucharist. Sacraments are beliefs or practices of the Catholics, which are believed to have been instituted by Christ.
According to the Book of Exodus, Moses received the Ten Commandments here?
What is Mount Sinai?
The first greeting at Mass.
What is when we pray the Sign of the Cross then the priest welcomes us?
Sacraments of Initiation are?....
What are Baptism, the Eurachrist, and Confirmation?
Sins that we must confess to the Priest.
What are mortal sins?
This is the part of the Mass wherein the word of God is proclaimed?
What is Liturgy of the Word?
In the numbering used by the Catholic Church, this is the seventh Commandment of God?
What is Thou Shall Not Steal?
When listen to the Word of God, usually from the New Testament.
What is the Second Reading
The names of the 7 sacraments.
What are Baptism, Confession, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick?
The prayer we say to start our confession.
What is "Bless me Father for I have sinned .."?
This is the time of the year when Catholics wait for the coming of Jesus?
What is Advent? This is the time for preparation for Christmas. The color for this season is violet.
When Moses received the Commandments from God, this is what they were written on?
What is two tablets of stone?
Follows the Lord's Prayer during Mass.
When do we offer one another Christ’s peace?
Used to meditate on life of Jesus Christ and his mother.
What is the Rosary?
Once a year.
How often should we go to confession? More often depending on your sins.
This is the part of the mass wherein the consecrated host is distributed to the people.
What is Communion?
According to the numbering of the Catholic Church, this is commanded by the second Commandment of God?
What is Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain?
This is the part of the mass wherein the consecrated host is distributed to the people.
What is Communion?
The two parts of Reconciliation
What are Confession and Penance?
People who can receive Communion.
Who are people that can receive Communion?
•Being a Catholic,
•In the state of grace,
•And observing a one-hour fast beforehand.
This is the part of the Mass where Catholics believe that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ?
What is Consecration? It is here where the priest dedicates the bread and wine in order for them to become the blood and body of Christ.
The third Commandment practiced by the Catholic Church?
What is Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day?