We Celebrate God's Forgiveness
We Follow God's Laws
We Learn About God's Love
We Celebrate the Sacraments
Jesus Christ Gives Us the Church

Our ___________ helps us to know right from wrong.

What is Conscience? 


_______ is any thought, word, or act that we freely choose to commit even though we know that it is wrong.

What is Sin?


The ________ is the book in which God's Word is written.

What is Bible?


We become children of God and members of the Church. We receive the Holy Spirit for the first time.

What is Baptism?


We call Jesus, Mary, and Joseph the _________________.

What is Holy Family?


We tell our sins to the priest. This is called ___________.

What is Confession?


God's gift to us that allows us to make choices is called ______________.

What is Free will?


The first part of the bible is called the _________________________. In this part, we learn about God's people who lived before Jesus' time on earth.

What is Old Testament?


This sacrament seals us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthens us. It makes us stronger followers of Jesus.

What is Confirmation?


When Jesus taught, he used parables. Parables are __________________. Jesus talked about things from everyday life such as birds, flowers, seeds, sheep, and families.

What is Short stories?


When we are sorry for our sins and promise not to sin again is called _____________.

What is Contrition?


_________ is less serious than mortal sins. People who commit these sins hurt their friendship with God. But they still share in God's grace.

What is Venial sins?


The second part of the bible is called _______________________. In this part, we learn about Jesus Christ, his disciples, and the Church.

What is New Testament?


This is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We receive Jesus himself in Holy Communion.

What is Eucharist?


We call the Three Persons in One God the ______________________. We remember this by praying the Sign of the Cross.

What is Blessed Trinity?


The priest tells us to say a prayer or to do a kind of act to make up for our sins is called __________.

What is Penance?


_________ are very serious. People who commit these sins break their friendship with God. They do not share in God's grace, his life in them.

What is Mortal sins?


______________ helped guide the writers of the Bible?

What is The Holy Spirit?


This is the sacrament for those who are sick or are in danger of death. The priest prays that they may be healed in body, mind, and spirit.

What is Annointing of the Sick?


The twelve men chosen by Jesus to be the leaders of his disciples.

What is Apostles?


The priest acting in the name of Jesus forgives our sins is called _____________.

What is Absolution?


Ten special laws God gave to his people is called ____________.

What is the Ten Commandments?


Four of the books in the New Testament are called the _______________. They are about Jesus's teachings and his life on earth.

What is Gospels?


In this sacrament, a man and a woman become husband and wife. They promise to love and be faithful to each other always. 

What is Matrimony?


Jesus rising from the dead.

What is Resurrection?