Easter is always celebrated on this day of the week.
"40 days" that the Catholic Church recognizes as preparation time before Easter.
A time to gather with other believers and celebrate the Eucharist.
The season before Lent.
Ordinary Time
Who imposes the death sentence on Jesus?
Jesus rose on the _____day.
Abstaining from food or drink for spiritual purposes.
Praying before the Blessed Sacrament.
Last year's palms are burned to create this substance.
At the 2nd station Jesus receives this.
The cross
Easter Sunday kicks off this season in the Catholic liturgical calendar.
Easter season
This represents Jesus as "the Light of the World" many churches extinguish these on their altars on Good Friday to show that Jesus' light has gone out. It is relit on Easter Sunday to represent Jesus' return to life
Paschal Candle
A Sacrament, the church's proclamation of God's forgiveness of our sins.
Confession/ Reconciliation
Ashes are made in this sign on foreheads.
the Sign of the Cross
Who helps Jesus carry the cross?
Simon of Cyrene
We celebrate this on Easter Sunday.
Jesus rising from the dead
This represents Jesus and relates His death to that of this sacrificed on the first Passover.
The prayer Jesus taught his disciples.
The "Our Father"
"By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for _____ you are and to _____you will return.
Who asks permission to take Jesus' body and bury it?
Joseph of Armiathea
Jesus said these words to his apostles when he saw them after the resurrection.
Peace be with you.
Giving to the needy, helping the needy.
An expression of sorrow for one's sins; usually said after a confession is made.
Act of Contrition
The 40 days of Lent represent this time in Jesus' life.
40 days in the desert being tempted by satan
The 12th station Jesus dies on the cross. What are his last words recorded in the Bible.
Father, into your hands I commend (commit) my spirit. (Luke)
My God, my God why have you forsaken me? (Matthew and Mark)