Word to Your Father
A Life Altar-ing Event
Dress For Success
Holy Men and Women, Batman!
Color Me Goodd
Eucharist Watch

Traditionally, the first reading come from this section of The Bible

What is The Old Testament?


This is the ornate box that is used to house the consecrated hosts following Communion

What is the Tabernacle?


This white garment is worn by both priests and deacons under the other vestments; altar servers also wear them 

What is an alb?


This saint was known to work with the poorest of the poor in India, specifically in the city of Calcutta; she is the patron saint of World Youth Day and Missionaries of Charity

Who is Saint (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta?


This color is used during "Ordinary Times" of the liturgical calendar

What is Green?


Jesus instituted The Eucharist during this Passover celebration that he shared with his disciples on Holy Thursday

What is The Last Supper?


This reading that follows the second reading is proclaimed by a priest or deacon and comes from The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John

What is the Gospel?


It's the fancy cup the priest uses to drink the Precious Blood from

What is a chalice? 


This vestment is worn around the neck by priests and diagonally across the chest by deacons

What is a stole? 


He was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla in Krakow, Poland, and was elected pope in 1978 and would serve until his death in 2005; he is the patron saint of Young Catholics and Poland

Who is Saint John Paul II?


The color purple is used during these 2 liturgical seasons, both concerning preparation and penance

What are Lent and Advent?


Eucharist (communion) is one of seven of these "outward signs of an inward grace given to us by God"

What are the Sacraments?


This follows the Gospel Reading with the purpose of unpacking the Lectionary readings of the liturgy in a way that shines the Word of God on both our lives 

What is a homily?


This vessel is used by the priests, deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist to distribute the precious body

What is a ciborium? 


It's the rope-like belt that is worn that follows the colors of the liturgical calendar 

What is a cincture? 


This "Servant of God" was born in Yazoo City, Mississippi in the late 1930s and was instrumental in helping the Catholic Church better minister to Black Catholics 

Who is Thea Bowman? 


The color white is worn during these 2 celebratory seasons of the calendar

What are Christmas and Easter?


This form of devotion to Jesus is when the Holy Eucharist is exposed to the church using a monstrance

What is Adoration?


After the first reading, this proclamation is either read by the lecturer or sang by the cantor

What is the Responsorial Psalm? 


It's the area where all of the items for Holy Communion are placed when not in use during the mass

What is the credence table?


This is the outer ornate garment worn by priests (and sometimes by deacons) that follows the colors of the liturgical calendar

What is the chasuble? 


She is known as "The apostle to the apostles" because she was the first person to share the good news of Jesus' resurrection with the rest of the apostles; she is the patron saint of converts, repentant sinners, and pharmacists  

Who is Saint Mary Magdalene?


This color is only used twice during the liturgical calendar; On the 3rd Sunday of Advent and the 4th Sunday of Lent 

What is Rose (Pink)?


This is the only day of the liturgical year on which The Mass is not celebrated, instead previously consecrated hosts are distributed; the Sanctuary Lamp (red candle) is also not lit during this day

What is Good Friday?

The second readings traditionally come from this section that comes after the 4 Gospels in The Bible

What are the Epistles (letters)


This ornate object, which contains the incense, is used for special occasions such as funerals and solemnity masses

What is a Thurible?


It's the "funny looking pointy hat" that the bishop wears during mass

What is a miter? 


This "Blessed" individual was ordained as a priest but was not allowed to hear confessions, so he was given the task of answering the door of the monastery; he is known for his quote "thank God ahead of time"

Who is "Blessed" Solanus Casey?


The priest wears this color on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost Sunday, and celebrations of martyrdom

What is Red?


It is the moment during the Liturgy of the Eucharist in which the bread and wine become the Holy Body and Blood of Christ

What is transubstantiation?