How old is Holy Rosary?
110 years old.
The number of sacraments in the Catholic Church.
The person who leads mass.
The priest
God shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.......
America the Beautiful
Who do you parents call if you are sick or late?
Mrs. Gilbert
This is the season in which we prepare for the birth of Jesus.
The place where the priest gets read for mass.
The sacristy
Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or man no more.....
One Bread, One Body
What was the Holy Rosary mascot before the Cardinals?
The Phantoms/Ghosts
The 40 days leading up to Easter.
The people who help the priest with Mass.
Alter servers
The heavens are telling the glory of God, and all creation is shouting for Joy!
Canticle of the Sun
This is when we gather to start our day.
morning prayer
The gesture we make when entering the church.
sign of the cross-genuflect
This is the response given after the priest says, "The Lord be with you."
"And with your spirit"
Sun and moon, bless your maker, stars of heaven chant your praise!
All You Works of God
This object can be found in every classroom.
This is where the consecrated Eucharist is kept between masses.
The Tabernacle
When we receive Jesus' body and blood or a blessing.
Love Him, love Him, Love Him when the sun goes down.
Jesus in the Morning