What liturgical time of the year prepares us for Easter?
Fill in the blank:
The Trinity is One ________ in Three ________.
God... Persons
What does the name "Christopher" mean?
Christ bearer
Name one of the Saraments of Initiation?
Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist
What does the name "Peter" mean?
What color is used in the liturgy for Lent and Advent?
Jesus Christ is fully ________ and fully ________.
God... Man
Why was St. Tarcisius martyred?
He refused to give the Eucharist to a mob.
Which Sacrament cleanses us of Original Sin?
Fill in the blank:
Jesus told Peter he would give him the __________ to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Complete the Phrase:
"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, ___________________________"
"But only say the word, and my soul shall be healed."
What do we call the doctrine that Mary was conceived without Original Sin?
Immaculate Conception
What is it called when someone is officially declared a saint by the Church?
Name one of the Sacraments of Healing.
Penance/Reconciliation or Anointing of the Sick
The Pope is the bishop of which city in Italy?
What does the priest add to the wine in Mass during the Offertory?
Fill in the blank:
Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist by his Body, Blood, ___________, and ___________.
Soul and Divinity
Which saint was a freed slave who worked as a hairdresser in New York?
Pierre Toussaint
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, what is it called when the priest declares your sins to be forgiven?
Which Pope and Saint gave audiences on the Theology of the Body?
John Paul II
What is the moment called when the bread and wine change in the Body and Blood of Christ?
What do we call the doctrine that God the Son (Jesus Christ) took on a human nature?
Name the three Archangels from the Bible.
Michael, Gabriel, or Raphael
What are the three offices to which one can be ordained in Holy Orders?
Deacon, Priest, and Bishop
Peter's name comes from the Greek word Petros. What is the word with the same meaning in Aramaic?