Confirmed in the Spirit
Confirmed in the Faith
Confirmed in Love

The word for "spirit" in the Hebrew word ruah, which can be translated as ___ or "breath".



True of False: The immaculate conception is the feast of Mary's conception without sin. Not Jesus'.



Explain: What are the Beatitudes?

The Beatitudes are Jesus' guidelines for Christian living. They include a code of conduct and the promise of happiness in God's Kingdom. 


The Spirit gives us the grace to act for God and others as Jesus did. Using your talents and resources to help others in this world is called _______.


What is the Communion of Saints?

The Communion of Saints is the Church on Earth united with all those who have died and are in Heaven or Purgatory.


What is Jesus' new commandment?

(John 13:34) "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another."


What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Holy Spirit is our guide. The Holy Spirit helps us to know Jesus and gives us the grace to act as Jesus did. The Holy Spirit ultimately brings us closer to God. 


The Church has four distinguishing marks; why is the the Church "apostolic"?

The Apostles carried out Jesus' plan of establishing the Church. Today the Apostles' teaching is carried out by their successors- bishops, in union with the pope. 


We are called to be free. What is your conscience? 

Conscience is that deepest part of yourself that directs you towards choosing good and avoiding evil.