Who received the Ten Commandments from God?
The names of the four evangelists (authors of the Gospels).
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The season of the Church year prior to Easter that helps prepare for the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord?
The number of Sacraments in the Catholic Church.
What does the word 'beatitude' mean?
On what were the Commandments written originally?
Two tablets of stone.
What are the two main divisions of the Bible?
Old and New Testament
What is the name of our current Pope?
Pope Francis
The Sacrament that cleanses Original Sin and adopts one into a familial relationship with God.
Blessed are they who mourn, for...
they shall be comforted.
From what do most of the Commandments originate?
Natural Law
Name of the book that contains 150 poems, songs and prayers to God.
the Psalms
Who was the first Pope? (hint: one of the twelve disciples of Jesus)
St. Peter
What is the other (official) name for the Sacrament of Marriage?
Holy Matrimony
What is the name of the sermon given by Jesus that contains the Beatitudes?
Sermon on the Mount
Name three Commandments related to our relationships with each other?
Not steal. Not kill. Not covet. Not bear false witness (lie). Honor father and mother. Not commit adultery.
The book of the Bible that tells us about the early Church and actions of the disciples.
What are the two most important holidays in the Catholic calendar?
Easter, Christmas
What invisible thing do Sacraments visibly signify?
God's grace
Blessed are the pure of heart...
for they shall see God.
What is the name of the mountain upon which the Ten Commandments were given?
Mount Sinai
The first five books of the Bible are collectively referred to as:
The Pentateuch, or Torah
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
The Holy Mass is comprised of two main parts. Name at least one.
Besides Reconciliation, what is the other Sacrament of Healing?
Anointing of the Sick