This corporal work involves offering food to people who are hungry.
What is Feed the Hungry
This spiritual work involves teaching others the truths of faith.
What is "Instruct the ignorant"?
This saint is known for his love of the poor and founded the Sisters of Charity.
Who is St. Vincent de Paul?
This prayer begins with “Our Father, who art in heaven...”
What is the "Our Father" (Lord's Prayer)?
Donating food to a local food pantry is an example of which corporal work?
What is "Feed the hungry"?
This work of mercy involves giving someone a place to stay when they have no home.
What is "Shelter the homeless"?
This work of mercy is about guiding people who are uncertain in their faith.
What is "Counsel the doubtful"?
This saint gave up a wealthy life to live among the poor and founded the Franciscans.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
This prayer is said during the Rosary, and its first line is "Hail Mary, full of grace..."
What is the "Hail Mary"?
Offering a kind word or encouragement to someone in despair is an example of which spiritual work?
What is "Comfort the sorrowful"?
This work involves visiting people who are unwell.
What is "Visit the sick"?
This work involves forgiving those who have wronged us.
What is "Forgive all injuries"?
Known for her charity work in Calcutta, this saint helped the sick and dying.
Who is St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta?
This prayer is recited after the sign of the cross, asking for God's mercy.
What is the "Act of Contrition"?
Helping someone who is struggling with their faith by sharing your knowledge is an example of which spiritual work?
What is "Instruct the ignorant"?
This work of mercy is about caring for those who have passed away.
What is "Bury the dead"?
This work encourages us to help others understand and find comfort when facing hardships.
What is "Comfort the sorrowful"?
This saint is known for his writings and his efforts to reform the church during the Reformation.
Who is St. Ignatius of Loyola?
This prayer begins with "Glory be to the Father..." and is said frequently during the Rosary.
What is the "Glory Be"?
Giving clothes to a person in need is an example of which corporal work?
What is "Clothe the naked"?
This corporal work involves giving water to those who are thirsty.
What is "Give drink to the thirsty"?
This work is about praying for others, whether they are living or deceased.
What is "Pray for the living and the dead"?
This saint is known for his healing powers and his love for animals.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
This prayer expresses devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
What is the "Prayer to the Sacred Heart"?
Offering a prayer for someone who is ill is an example of which spiritual work?
What is "Pray for the living and the dead"?