Who's who...
Holy Word of God, Batman!
Catholic Prayer
Practiced Catholics
Places people!
This person in allowed to vote in the election of a Pope. We have one in this Archdiocese. Also known as a Prince of the Church.
What is a Cardinal
The canonical body of inspired texts that contains salvation history, also know as the Word of God.
What is The Bible
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen"
What is the Sign of the Cross
This time period falls outside of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Best known for the green vestments worn for this liturgical color.
What is Ordinary Time
The adorned repository that contains the Blessed Sacrament, typically found by locating a red candle
What is a tabernacle
The person known as the Bishop of Rome, the Head of the See of Peter, or Pontifex Maximus. This office is typically known for wearing a white cassock. Charged with the spiritual care of all the souls in the world.
What is the Pope (or The Holy Father)
The four books of the New Testament that cover the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What are the Gospels
Bless us O Lord, for these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ Our Lord. +Amen
What is the Prayer before Meals
A form of interior affective prayer in which one rests in the knowledge and love of God. Most commonly practiced by Religious Monasteries and Priories.
What is contemplation
These fourteen depictions along the sides of the Church show Christ's Passion on Good Friday. Public devotion of these typically seen on Fridays in Lent.
What are the Stations of the Cross
The chief head of a specific diocese. Charged with the spiritual care of all souls within that territory, Catholic, Protestant, and non-Christian alike.
What is a Bishop
The first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). There are two names for this group.
What is the Torah / Pentateuch
A prayer typically recited while using a set of beads. This is a meditative prayer over the mysteries of Christ's life. There are 4 sets of mysteries corresponding to different days.
What is the Rosary
The act of bending one's right knee to the floor in reverence to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
What is genuflection
this is blessed and lit at the beginning of the Easter Vigil each year and represents the Light of Christ. It helps convey the mystery of new life after death in resurrection.
What is the paschal candle
Coworkers in the mission of Christ to spread the Gospel. His principal duty is the salvation of souls. His primary function is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and distribution of the sacraments Acts "in persona Christi".
What is a priest
These writers wrote under God's inspiration to speak directly to certain peoples about there ways of life, calling them to conversion, before the coming of the Lord.
Who are the prophets
Jesus Christ gave us this prayer Himself. "...who art in heaven ...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread ...deliver us from evil."
What is the Our Father
a special period of prayer, reflection, and solitude for deepening one's relationship with God. Typically lasts a couple of days and can be done in total silence.
What is a retreat
a mounted vessel or basin containing holy water, where the first sacrament of initiation takes place and a person is born into the Mystical Body of Christ
What is a baptismal font
The "rock" Christ willed to institute His Church. The leader of the Apostles after the Resurrection. All other's who follow his office have their authority from him, who had his authority from Christ.
Who is (St.) Peter
This book of the bible is an apocalyptic text that speaks of a new heaven and a new earth. It greatly resembles much of the Sacrifice of the Mass. This book is also written by John the Evangelist.
What is Revelation
"I believe in God, the Father almighty..." This is recited at every Sunday Mass after the Homily.
What is the (Nicene) Creed
This begins on Holy Thursday and ends at Vespers on Easter Sunday. The days within this period of time commemorate the Eucharist at the Last Supper, the Passion and Death of Christ, and the Lord's Resurrection from the dead.
What is the Paschal/Easter Triduum
the central location of the Eucharistic sacrifice, usually made of precious materials like stone, marble, or fine wood. A stone containing a relic rests in this.
What is an altar