Lacey's breed is...
How is Misty related to Lacey, if she is at all?
They are twins.
I am the first cat in FNAL.
Name two toys that the cats have.
Correct answers: Dingle balls, mouse toys, sushi, fishing rod, laser pointer, lizard, chopsticks, fluffy ball
What prevents our cats from wandering around outside anymore?
A catio.
Lacey's eyes are what color?(Hint: It is a fruit)
Lemon color
Misty's eyes are what color?(Hint: It is a fruit)
I love to climb inside leather rocking chairs.
Do you like bread? It is very easy to make bread. You need to mix up some flour and make it into bread dough. Some bread can be very tasty, like scones made out of bread. My cats have never tried bread before, but I think they might like to eat bread because they always look like a loaf of bread while they are sitting. When my dad went to France, he ate a lot of french bread. Some french breads include baguettes, croissants, and brioche bread. You should eat at Subway some time because their subs have bread as the bun. PS bread is the secret word.
Hope you read all that.
How shy to new people is Lacey?(Shy, kind of shy, friendly)
Kind of shy
How shy to new people is Misty?(Shy, kind of shy, friendly)
I once climbed up into the heating vents in our playroom.
Lacey and Misty
Congratulations! You have to clean out the litter box.
You found 300 points buried in the sand!
Name 3 creatures our cats have caught outside before.
Correct answers: Mice, birds, voles, rabbits, grasshoppers, and lizards
Name the place Lacey loves to sleep in the catio.
The top bed
Misty rubs up against your leg!
Subtract 400 points from someone else!
If you know the secret word, tell me. If you don't, pick another question.
The word is bread
What is the newest toy the cats got?
Festive red and green mice
Name a place where our cats like to nap outside.
Correct answers: The neighbors's yard, in the scrub oak, under the clubhouse, and in the shade under our treehouse.
Lacey gives you a high five!
You get this one for free!
What chair does Misty like sleeping behind?
My mom's chair.
I am the first cat to catch a rabbit.
The cats used to have a fishing rod toy each. What happened to them?
The cats shredded them until all that was left were the feathers and jingle bell.
What do our cats always do before hopping over the fence?
They roll in dirt.