This breed is commonly orange in color with long hair. The breed is currently trending on social media.
What is the Scottish Highland?
This breed looks like an oreo.
What is the Belted Galloway?
This is the term defining the digestive system of a beef animal
What is ruminant?
This is the term for young female cattle that have not calved.
What is a heifer?
What is a mammal?
Developed in Texas, this breed descends from Spanish Andalusion cattle. It is recognizable for its color and long horns.
What is a Texas Longhorn?
This breed can range in color from red to white to ROAN. This one would make a great rug and could provide high levels of milk production.
What is the shorthorn?
This is the most important compartment of the ruminant digestive system where microbes exist to break down feed material consumed by the cattle.
What is the Rumen?
What is dual-purpose?
What is reverse peristalsis?
This breed was developed on the Kings Ranch in Texas consisting of 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Shorthorn.
What is Santa Gertrudis?
This breed is not a beef breed. It is black and white and can be seen on billboards advertising chicken.
What is the Holstein?
This compartment is the true stomach of cattle. The esophageal groove allows milk to pass directly to this compartment when calves are a on a milk diet.
What is the Abomassum?
The most desirable trait when choosing genetics to breed a first time heifer to.
What is low birth-weight?
This is the step in the production process where cattle are finished out on grains.
What is the feedlot?
This breed is predominantly white in color and is known for its large size.
What is the Chianina?
This breed is known for its quality meat characteristics. It is red with a white face.
What is the Hereford?
This compartment has folds like the pages of a book and continues the digestive process.
What is the Omassum?
What is the cow-calf producer?
This is the term for cattle born without horns.
What is polled?
This breed is the one of the most foundational breeds. Originating from Scotland it is solid black in color.
This breed is known for its ability to adapt to harsh climates. It is the foundation of all American Breeds of cattle.
What is the Brahman?
This compartment has honeycomb shaped walls and acts as a filter for the cattle digestive system.
What is the reticulum?
This is the term for castrated male cattle.
What is a steer?
What is a cow?