the first spanish cattle were
all rangy, animals with horns 6feet or more long.
Ranchers quickly developed Spanish ranching methods by using what?
horses, roping skills, chaps, and saddles.
Price of cattle was __to $________ in the North and East due to limited supply of cattle.
30$ 40 $
260,000 cattle driven from Texas to Sedalia, Missouri to the railroad = What trail?
Sedalia/ Shawnee
The cowhands ”_________ in the cattle along the cattle trails to keep the flow of the herd.
Name 2 ways Cowboy life has been displayed?
in songs, movies, and in art work.
These cattle were bred with other breeds of cattle creating the Texas
Spanish Cowboy = ?
created an opportunity for ranchers to get their cattle to the markets quicker.
Disease carried by cattle from ticks = ?
Texas Fever
The trail ride cook =
_Coosie and an older cowboy and made the most Money
Cowboy life was tough and they worked about
18 hours
Cattle roamed on the and were herded up and branded to show
open range _ownership
Who Developed the King Ranch in South Texas?
(Richard King)
Cowhands (12 or less) could drive more than ___ ______ head of cattle to the markets at a cost lower than __$____ per head of cattle.
Most popular cattle trail that led drovers from Texas to Kansas = ?
The drives went miles per day.
10-12 miles
A typical cowboy was young, single, and
Who introduced the cattle to america in the 1500's
spanish explorers
biggest problems with cattle industry = ?
(Theft , drought , and lack of markets)
holden pens called
Ran from Kerrville, Texas thru Kansas to Nebraska = ?
Great Western
Some herds ranged from ___________ cattle.
2,000 to 3,000
1/6th of Cowboys were _
hispanic and many were black
the spaniards built cattle ranches along where
the rio grande san antonio nueces rivers
in 1853 king bought what old spanish land ?
Santa Gertrudis
another word for move
Ran from Texas to Cheyenne, Wyoming = ?
Goodnight - Loving
Who took care of the horses on the cattle drive ?
Cattle drives ended after 1885 due to too many
cattle barbed wire fencing, quarantine laws, and railroads were built.