True or False
Cause and Effect

True or false: 

A cause must happen for there to be an effect?



Molly studied every night for her spelling test. She got a good grade. 

What is the cause? 

A. Molly studied every night. 

B. She got a good grade . 

A. Molly studied every night for her spelling test.


The driver of the car was not paying attention when they went through a red light, and crashed into another vehicle. 

What is the effect? 

A. They were not paying attention. 

B. They crashed their car.

B. They crashed their car. 


The drive to school is 20 minutes away from Ron's house. There was traffic on the way that slowed him down. Ron was 10 minutes late. 

What was the cause and the effect in this situation?

A. Because there is traffic, Ron was late to school.

B. Because Ron lives 20 minutes away, he was late. 

A. Because there was traffic, Ron was late. 

True or False: 

The cause is the result?

False. The cause is the why. 


Jordan is really excited to get married today. She stayed up really late last night because she couldn't go to sleep. When she woke up this morning, she saw that she slept in 3 hours late. 

What is the cause? 

A. She was excited. 

B. She couldn't sleep. 

C. She was late. 

B. She couldn't go to sleep.


Suzy was the beach taking a nap when she woke up with a bright red sunburn. She quickly realized she didn't put sunscreen on. 

What is the effect?

A. Suzy was taking a nap. 

B. Suzy forgot sunscreen. 

C. She got a bright red sun burn.

C. She got a bright red sun burn. 


Jazz is the smartest person in the school, but she is always on her phone in class. The teacher is reviewing for a test the class is taking tomorrow. Jazz did not listen the entire time. She was shocked when she made a failing grade. 

What is the cause and the effect of this situation? 

A. Jazz failed the test. 

B. She's on her phone instead of paying attention. 

C. Because she's on her phone and not paying attention, she failed the test.

C. Because she's on her phone and not paying attention, she failed the test.


True or false:m

An effect is the why?

False. The effect is the result.


Ryan was really sad because his grandma is in the hospital. 

What is the cause? 

His grandma is in the hospital. 


Jerry bought a lottery ticket on Friday. He was thrilled to find out that he won one million dollars. 

What is the effect? 

A. He bought a lottery ticket. 

B. He was thrilled.

C. He won a million dollars. 

B. He was thrilled. 


Christmas is just around the corner and Adam wants to get his mom something nice. He's saved all month to buy her a gift. On his way to the store, he saw some new shoes that he just had to have. He made a split decision and spent all the money he saved on the shoes. 

What do you think is the effect? 

A. He bought shoes. 

B. He didn't have money for a present.

C. His mom was sad. 

D. He saved all month.

B. He didn't have money for a present.


True or False: 

In a cause and effect relationship, one event causes another one to happen? 



Brad and Robbie work outside building houses. They both hate the rain. They were not happy when they got work and saw that it was pouring outside. 

What is the cause for why they aren't happy? 

A. They work outside. 

B. They hate the rain.

c. It is pouring outside. 

D. All of the above. 

D. All of the above


Kathy and Abby are best friends. They both love to sing and are trying out for the lead role in the school musical. They are both equally amazing singers, but Abby has been practicing everyday for hours after school. Kathy, on the other hand, practices when she remembers too.

What do you think is the effect? Why? 

Abby got the lead role because she was more prepared. 


Last year, Rue was sad that she wasn't tall enough to ride the biggest rollercoaster at the theme park. She is going back tomorrow hopeful that she will be tall enough this year. 

What is the cause and the effect? 

Cause: She was sad that she was not tall enough last year.

Effect: She is hopeful she will be tall enough this year. 


True or False: 

If there is no cause then there is an effect? 

False. If there is no cause, then there can not be an effect. 


Jenna is a very good math student. She is studying long division in her math class, but she does not understand it at all. Every time she tries to solve a long division equation, she gets all confused and mixes the numbers up. She is feeling very frustrated because she's never had a hard time understanding anything in math before. 

What is causing Jenna to feel frustrated? 

Jenna has always been a good student who never struggles in math, but she doesn't understand long division. 


Lucy loves to play volleyball. She never practices because everyone tells her that she is the best on her team. Today, she tried out for the high school team. She is very confident that she will make the team because she is so good. She was furious when she found out that she did not make the team this year. 

What was the effect? 

A. Lucy is the best on her team. 

B. Lucy did not make the high school team. 

C. Lucy never practices 

D. She was furious 

E. Both B & D

F. Both C & D

E. Both B & D


Amanda squirmed in her seat as her stomach growled. She thought it was so loud that the entire class could hear it roaring. She took a drink out of her water bottle, hoping it would fill the emptiness in her stomach began gurgling even louder! 

She thought back to this morning. Now she wished she would have listened to her mom when she told her that frosted donuts were not a good breakfast choice. 

As soon as the bell rang, Amanda headed straight for the cafeteria. She could not wait to take a bite of her sandwich!

What Caused Amanda to be so hungry? 

What was the effect of Amanda drinking the water? 

Cause: She ate frosted donuts for breakfast. 

Effect: It did not fill her up.