Just Cause
So Effected

What is the cause?

There was a big splash.

A.) Jan threw the ball at the window.

B.) Mark jumped into the pool.

B.) Mark jumped into the pool.


What is the effect?

A train was coming.

A.) We spoke softly.

B.) We waited to cross the tracks.

B.) We waited to cross the tracks.


What is the cause?

They were all dirty.

A.) Jacob didn't wash his clothes.

B.) The wind blew through the trees.

C.) Paul's shoes were small.

A.) Jacob didn't wash his clothes.


What is the effect?

The game was played at night.

A.) Everyone watching the game cheered.

B.) The game was lit with big lights.

C.) The game was stopped for a while.

B.) The game was lit with big lights.


In 2015, a big circus agreed to remove elephants from its shows. The circus kept its elephants in cages, which was bad for them, so they were sent to a center in Florida. The center gave the elephants large areas to wander and offered people a chance to study them easily. This allows scientists to get closer to the trained elephants than wild ones. 

The elephants were sent to a center in Florida.

What is the cause?

A.) It's easier to get close to trained elephants than wild ones.

B.) It's bad for elephants to live in cages. 

B.) It's bad for elephants to live in cages.


How do chameleons change color? One kind of chameleon has skin that contains two layers of cells. The cells contain tiny crystals. The chameleon looks blue when the crystals in the top layer are close together. When they are stretched or spread apart, chameleons look yellow or red.  

What is the effect?

The crystals spread apart.

A.) The chameleon looks red or yellow

B.) The chameleon looks blue. 

A.) The chameleon looks red or yellow


Henry Ford built his first car in 1896. He showed it to his friend Thomas Edison, who encouraged him to keep working. Soon, Ford built vehicles with a new system called an assembly line. It helped him make cars faster and for less money, and more people were able to buy his cars. By 1918, Ford had built half of the cars in the US.

What is the cause?

Ford made cars more quickly

A.) More people could buy more cars from Ford.

B.) Ford started using an assembly line.

B.) Ford started using an assembly line.


Earth and Mars are very different planets, but they have some things in common. Mars takes twenty-four hours and forty minutes to spin around, which makes a Mars day slightly longer than an Earth day. Earth and Mars are both tilted in almost the same way, which is why Mars has seasons like Earth's.

Mars is tilted like Earth.

What is the effect?

A.) Both Mars and Earth have seasons.

B.) A day is about the same length on both Earth and Mars.

A.) Both Mars and Earth have seasons.


Lions are often found in forests or grassy plains. This is because these places offer enough cover for lions to sneak up on their prey. Lions usually hunt buffalo, giraffes, and zebra for food.  When that prey is hard to find, however, lions may also hunt elephants.

Lions attack elephants.

What is the cause?

A.) Lions live in areas with lots of trees or grass.

B.) Sometimes lions can't find their usual food.

C.) Lions sometimes live in zoos.

B.) Sometimes lions can't find their usual food.


Have you ever wondered how bees make honey? First, the bee collects watery nectar from a flower. Then the bee stores it in a special honey stomach or sac. When the sac becomes full the bee returns to the hive. The bees then pass the nectar from bee to bee using their mouths. Passing the nectar removes water from the nectar. Slowly the nectar changes into honey.

The bees pass the nectar.

What is the effect?

A.) The bee goes back to the hive.

B.) The nectar turns into honey.

C.) The plants grow flowers.

B.) The nectar turns into honey.