Cause and Effect

Because Sara never brushes her teeth she had five cavities when she went to the dentist.

What is the Cause?

Sara never brushes her teeth.


The batter couldn’t hit the softball because he didn’t keep his eyes on the ball.

What is the effect?

The batter couldn't hit the softball.

I spilled my juice. So I had to clean it up. 

What is the cause?

Spilled my juice 


Sara studied for the test therefore, she received an A+.

What is the effect?

Effect- She received an A+


The students listened to their teacher during class. They got an A in the class. 

What is the cause and the effect?

Cause: they listened to their teacher

Effect: they got an A in the class


A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live.

What is the cause?

A tornado blew the roof off the house.


Since the electricity went out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.

What is the effect?

The ice cream in the freezer melted.


I didn't eat breakfast. So I was hungry.

What is the cause?

I didn't eat breakfast


Jason got a cast on his leg because he broke it.

What is the effect?

Effect- He got a cast


They exercised three times a week. They were in great shape!

What is the cause and the effect?

Cause: They exercised three times a week. 

Effect: they were in great shape


Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.

What is the cause?

The alarm was not set.


Fred was driving 75 in a 35-mile zone, therefore he got a speeding ticket.

What is the effect?

He got a speeding ticket.


I had a hole in my pocket. I lost my money on the walk. 

What is the cause?

I had a hole in my pocket


The chair broke when Sally jumped on it.

What is the effect?

Effect- The chair broke.


I forgot to go to the grocery store.  We have no food in the house. 

What is the cause and the effect?

Cause: didn't go grocery shopping

Effect: No food in the house


The baby was crying, so Dad picked him up.

What is the cause?

The baby was crying


When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die.

What is the effect?

Coral reefs die.


THE WEATHER FORECAST CALLED FOR RAIN, so he took his umbrella.

What is the cause?

It was going to rain 

I burned my tongue because the coffee was so hot.

What is the effect?

Effect: I burned my tongue.


I watered the plants. They grew so big!

What is the cause and the effect?

Cause: watered the plants

Effect: they grew so big


As the wind speed increases, the sailboat moves faster.

What is the cause.

The wind speed increases.


Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.

What is the effect?

A helium balloon floats.


The meal was so hot. That I burnt my tongue when I took a bite. 

What is the cause?

The meal was hot. 


Mary saved her money for a year as a result she was able to buy a new bike.

What is the effect?

Effect: She was able to buy a new bike.


I did my work when my teacher asked. I got a ten minute trade-in. 

What is the cause and the effect?

Cause: I did my work

Effect: I got a ten minute trade-in.