This war, ending in 1763, left Great Britain with a massive debt and a need to control westward expansion.
French and Indian War
This event, where British soldiers fired on a crowd of colonists, became a symbol of British tyranny.
Boston Massacre
Who is the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Money that is paid by citizens to the government
What kind of animal is Nemo in "Finding Nemo"?
Who was the King of Britain during the American Revolution?
King George III
This act required colonists to purchase stamps for legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards.
Stamp Act
Which part of the Declaration lists out the complaints to King George III?
List of Grievances
To refuse to buy certain goods in protest.
How many continents are there?
Why did the British raise taxes on the colonists?
They had accumulated debt from the French and Indian War.
These laws punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party.
Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts
What are the three unalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
A type of government where the citizens are able to vote for their leaders.
What is the main nickname for British soldiers?
Red coats
This act forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Proclamation of 1763
What did the Quartering Act require colonists to do?
House and feed British soldiers.
According to the declaration, where does the government get its power from?
The people! (consent of the governed)
Cruel and oppressive government
In which country is Rio de Janeiro located?
These acts placed taxes on glass, lead, paper, and tea.
Townshend Acts
This colonial motto symbolized colonists' complaints with the British.
No taxation without representation!
The Declaration of Independence states that if the government becomes destructive of the people's rights, the people have a right to do this.
Abolish/destroy the government
Information designed to influence opinion
This secret group of colonists organized protests and boycotts against British policies (responsible for the Boston Tea Party).
Sons of Liberty
These allowed British soldiers to search colonists' homes for smuggled goods.
Writs of Assistance
What is one thing that the Intolerable/Coercive Acts did?
Closed Boston Harbor until all of the tea which was destroyed during the Boston Tea Party was repaid.
Who was Robert Hemings?
An enslaved man, owned by Thomas Jefferson
The legislature of Great Britain.
What is a group of owls called? (ie: herd of cows, pack of wolves)