Ag Rev
Why was England able to transition from agriculture to industry?

 "Industries had all the ________________ needed to produce goods and services"

Industries had all the FACTORS OF PRODUCTION needed to produce goods and services.

Bonus speed round!

List all 4 of them...


Which industry was the first to be transformed in England after the Agricultural Revolution?


Which geographic factor best explains why the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain?  

A) fertile land

B) location by the ocean

C) an abundance of coal

D) a large population

C) an abundance of coal

How did England’s geography enable the country to become the first to industrialize?

 "the natural harbors allowed ________ to easily trade goods."

merchant ships


Match the term to the definition:

A population shift from RURAL to URBAN and how society adapts to that chance


How did advancements in farming help the growth of industry? "More ___ = more ___"

"more FOOD = more PEOPLE"

The increase in food production led to a population explosion.

Steam power was used in ________ factories and helped increase _____.

Textile; productivity


Which element shown on the map best explains why the Industrial Revolution began in England?

A)The country was surrounded by water.

B) The country had key natural resources.

C) The country was close to a large continent.

D) The country was relatively small.

B) The country had key natural resources.


Steam technology was important to the Industrial Revolution because: (List up to 3 reasons, 1 point for each)

it increased coal mining.

it was used to power textile factories.

it was used to power trains to transport goods.


What was the role of the British government in the Industrial Revolution? 

A) It controlled all the workings of business

B) It provided strict production levels for all factories

C) It gave businesses the freedom to grow and develop as they pleased

D) It charged high taxes on any new factories built in cities

C) It gave businesses the freedom to grow and develop as they pleased


Which agricultural development allowed for a diverse and larger number of crops?

crop rotation

The person most closely connected to the invention of the first steam engine is ____________.

Thomas Newcomen

Which of the following result of larger farm fields led to industrialization?

A) Farmers could pay higher wages to laborers.

B) Farmers could experiment with new methods.

C) Businesses began to compete for the best crops.

D) Nobles began to hire additional farm workers.

B) Farmers could experiment with new methods.

 Which are the three MAIN components required for production in the Industrial Revolution? (Hint: think of the 4 factors of production!)

land, labor, and capital

How did the political situation in England support industrialization?

A) England was the only nation with a strong monarch who could demand that all citizens work in industry.

B) More wars were fought than in other nations and required the production of more weapons.

C) England had no colonies and thus could focus their finances on their own island.

D) The country was more stable than other nations and had protective laws from Parliament.

D) The country was more stable than other nations and had protective laws from Parliament.


Which of the following enabled England to be the sole industrial power in the world for a short time?

A) England forbid their industrial engineers from leaving the country.

B)Other nations were behind technologically.

C) Other nations did not have the resources that Britain had.

D) England was the only nation that produced textiles.

A) England forbid their industrial engineers from leaving the country.

One main result of the_______________ of British common lands in the late eighteenth century was 

many farmers/peasants then moved to towns to find work in industry.

Enclosure Movement / Enclosure Acts


Which of the following was a geographical advantage for England during the Industrial Revolution? "Navigable ______ and natural ______"

navigable RIVERS and natural HARBORS

How did the economy of England support industrialization?

"The strong ____ system used _____ to spur industrial advancements"

2 points per word correct

Bank; loans

Parliament (the British government) passed ___________ laws favoring business.

2 points for the term, 2 points if you can tell me what the term translates to!

Laissez-faire; "hands-off"

What impact did the trend of large landowners increasingly controlling the agricultural sector have on the Industrial Revolution in England?

A) There was less demand for cash crops because people did not want to support the wealthy.

B) Landowners soon turned farmland into factories and promoted industry.

C) The government no longer needed to invest in agricultural development.

D) Small farmers lost land and migrated to work in industrial cities.

D) Small farmers lost land and migrated to work in industrial cities.




Laissez-faire laws


What did England's colonies provide the empire that helped spur industrialization (2 correct answers)

Hint: think of the Mercantile System!

They provided a supply of raw materials to be processed.

They provided a large demand for goods
(buying finished products)

An economic policy designed to maximize wealth for an empire using colonies and trade is called the _________.

mercantile system

Which factor most helped provide the resources of the British Industrial Revolution?

A) the British royal family

B) the British navy

C) the Catholic church

D) the new Parliament

B) the British navy