History and Sport
APA Style
Issues in Sport
Images and Sport

Started the modern Olympics, and won the first gold medal in Olympic literature with his poem, Ode to Sport.

Who is Pierre de Fredy, also known as (AKA) Baron de Coubertin?


The 1920s were a time of increased participation and spectatorship of sport due in part to the development of travel and media communications. so the 1920s are known as _______ in sports history.

What is the Golden Age of Sport?


The term for the special indentation used for formatting sources in a reference list in APA.

What is hanging indent?


This Cincinnati Reds baseball superstar has been denied admittance to the National Baseball Hall of Fame as a result of his gambling issues while a manager.

Who is Pete Rose?


A statue of a discus thrower, originally by ancient Greek sculptor Myron.

What is Discobolus?


For philosopher David Best, this category of sport is the opposite of aesthetic, or non-purposive sport.

What is purposive sport?


A place, such as Hull House in Chicago, where immigrants could play sports, bathe, and learn English.

What is a settlement house?


In APA, this is where the following collection of items is seen in a professional paper: running head, page number, title, author, and author's institutional affiliation.

What is a title page?


A 1992 sport-specific law against sports gambling (it said individual states could not regulate sports wagering). It was essentially made irrelevant by a famous court decision in 2018.

What is/was PASPA (Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act)?


Creator of the Renaissance image of the ideally proportioned man, Vitruvian Man.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This is the popular name of a famous baseball play by Willie Mays during the first game of the 1954 World Series.

What is "The Catch?"


Usually volunteers, these people act as guides and help researchers in sports history museums.

What are docents?


This is the correct APA heading for a list of sources at the end of a paper.

What are references?


This sportswear company was found guilty of recruiting misdeeds because it gave prospective basketball players at the University of Louisville, Kentucky bribes and access to prostitutes.

What is Adidas?


This porcelain object might be found in a stadium or arena, but it was put in an art exhibition by Marcel Duchamps and accepted as art under the title _____________.

What is Fountain?


Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger)

What is the Olympic motto?


Archival items such as programs from high school athletic banquets, ticket stubs, or newspaper advertisements for upcoming sports events are known as ____________.

What are ephemera?


The type of line spacing used throughout an APA paper, including in the list of sources. (exception: on a title page, after the title and before an author's name)

What is double spacing?


This minority population of athletes is served by the You Can Play Project,, and Go! Athletics.

What is the LGBTQAI+ community?


Divers soaring through space and time in this black and white film of the 1936 Berlin Olympics were captured forever by Leni Riefenstahl.

What is Olympia?


This is the Greek word for the struggle of competition, with overtones of dramatic conflict.

What is agon?


A Pittsburgh Steelers fullback named Franco Harris was a key figure in one of the most famous aesthetic moments in sports history. That moment is known as ________________.

What is/was The Immaculate Reception?


A unique alphanumeric string of characters; it means Digital Object Identifier and is a more reliable way of designating a URL for a journal article

What is a DOI?


This theory explores the ways in which people are discriminated against due to multiple sources of oppression, based on their identity markers.

What is intersectional theory?


A famous photo from the 1968 Mexico City Olympics shows Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising black-gloved fists during their medal ceremony in a human rights protest. They were subsequently banned from the Games and kicked out of the Olympic Village. Their Olympic sport was _________.

What is running? (200-meter, to be precise)