Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5

- Nationalism - Imperialism - Militarism All of the above are causes of -

World War 1


How did many Germans respond to challenges of the global depression in the 1930s?

by following an extremist political party


How did the economic balance of power change immediately following the First World War?

The United States emerged as a prosperous creditor nation.


How did the withdrawal of Russia influence World War I?

Germany could focus its fighting on the Western Front.


How did the mandate system, established by the League of Nations, limit German power around the world?

Germany surrendered its colonies to the League of Nations.


During the Spanish Civil War, who was a political ally of General Francisco Franco

Adolf Hitler


The New Deal sought to create jobs and promote economic recovery through—

government spending.


How did the 1929 U.S. market crash impact Europe?

It deepened the global depression because Europe depended on American loans.


Which revolutionary slogan best expresses a goal of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution?

“Peace, land, bread”


What factor weakened the League of Nations proposed by President Woodrow Wilson in his Fourteen Points?

The United States did not join the League.


Which of the following met Hitler's demands and failed to prevent World War II?

Munich Conference


Which of the following did President Franklin Roosevelt implement in order create jobs during the Great Depression?

public works projects


Inequality, working class revolutionary activity, and weak leadership by the czar were some of the causes for --

Bolshevik Revolution


Which of the following was a result of Germany's defeat in World War I?

Germany's massive war reparations destabilized the economy.


The unintended consequence of the Paris Peace Conference of 1918-19 was

the foundation of resentment that fueled WW II.


Which statement is the best example of the similarities between the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin?

Both used propaganda and sent people to prison camps during World War II.


Which response directly contributed to the Stock Market crash in 1929?

a panic of all sellers and no buyers


Which policy of the 1917 Russian Provisional Government contributed to internal social unrest?

fighting in World War I


How did the requirement of war reparations in the Treaty of Versailles influence the economy of Germany?

It contributed to a devaluation of German currency.


All of the following are characteristics of militarism EXCEPT—

a desire to fight for one's own self-interest


Which of the following contains Hitler's plans for Germany?

Mein Kampf


Which problem confronting American business and agriculture during the 1920s contributed to the beginning of the Great Depression?



What effect did the leadership of Czar Nicholas II during World War I have on Russia?

His inexperience contributed to high military casualties.


How did the Treaty of Versailles change political borders in Eastern Europe?

Poland emerged as an independent nation.


How did the practice of imperialism push Europe toward World War I?

by increasing the competition between nations for colonies