
What are the four geographic regions of Africa?

(Hint: think of a compass)

¿Cuáles son las cuatro regiones geográficas de África?

(Pista: piensa en una brújula)

The four geographic regions of Africa are North, South, East and West.


A source that was created by somebody who witnessed an event firsthand is called a _________ source.

A source that was created by somebody who did not witness an event firsthand is call a _________ source.

Una fuente que fue creada por alguien que presenció un evento en persona se llama una fuente _________.

Una fuente que fue creada por alguien que no presenció un evento en persona se llama una fuente _________.

A source that was created by somebody who witnessed an event firsthand is called a primary source.

A source that was created by somebody who did not witness an event firsthand is called a secondary source.


What is a pull factor?

¿Qué es un factor de atracción?

A pull factor is a characteristic of a place that attracts a person to that place.


What city do Muslims consider to be the most sacred city of Islam?

¿Qué ciudad consideran los musulmanes como la ciudad más sagrada del Islam?

Muslims consider Mecca to be the most sacred city of Islam.


What is the capital of Texas?

¿Cuál es la capital de Texas?

Austin, TX


Which dry landform stretches across most of North Africa?

¿Qué forma de relieve seco se extiende por la mayor parte del norte de África?

The Sahara Desert stretches across most of North Africa.


In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were called _____.

En el antiguo Egipto, a los faraones se les llamaba _____.

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were called Kings of Egypt.


What is subsistence farming?

¿Qué es la agricultura de subsistencia?

Subsistence farming is farming for a family's specific needs rather than farming for a profit (to make money).


What term means: "based on the belief of a single God?"

¿Qué término significa "basado en la creencia de un solo Dios"?



Which week in March are we off for Spring Break?

¿En qué semana de marzo estamos de vacaciones por el receso de primavera?

March 11 - March 15


What are the names of the three rivers that make up the Fertile Crescent?

¿Cuáles son los nombres de los tres ríos que forman el Creciente Fértil?

The Tigris, Euphrates, and Nile Rivers make up the Fertile Crescent.


Which ancient civilization used the writing system known as Hieroglyphics?

¿Qué antigua civilización utilizaba el sistema de escritura conocido como jeroglíficos?

Ancient Egyptians used the writing system known as Hieroglyphics.


What is most of Africa's farmland used for?

¿Para qué se utiliza la mayor parte de las tierras de cultivo en África?

Most of Africa's farmland is used for subsistence farming.


Which group of people considered Israel to be their land?

¿Qué grupo de personas considera a Israel como su tierra?

Hebrews referred to their land as Israel.


How many teeth do most adult humans have?

¿Cuántos dientes tienen la mayoría de los adultos humanos?

32 teeth


What were three important uses of the Nile River for the people of Egypt?

¿Cuáles eran tres usos importantes del río Nilo para la gente de Egipto?

Three important uses of the Nile River for the people of Egypt were:

1. Transportation

2. Source of food and fertile soil for agriculture

3. Bathing and drinking


What is the name of the event in which the Roman Empire destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and killed large numbers of Jews?

El nombre del evento en el cual el Imperio Romano destruyó el templo judío en Jerusalén y mató a grandes cantidades de judíos es _______.

The event in which the Roman Empire destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and killed large numbers of Jews was the Diaspora.


What is Saudi Arabia's economy based on?

¿En qué se basa la economía de Arabia Saudita?

Saudi Arabia's economy is based on petroleum.


What is the oldest Monotheistic religion in the world?

¿Cuál es la religión monoteísta más antigua del mundo?

The oldest Monotheistic religion in the world is Judaism.


What is Ms. Jones' favorite color?

¿Cuál es el color favorito de la Sra. Jones?

Burnt Orange


What are three (3) factors that influence the climate of Africa?

¿Cuáles son tres factores que influyen en el clima de África?

The three (3) factors that influence the climate of Africa are:

1. Location near the Equator

2. Elevation

3. How close a place is to water and landforms


In 1993, which United States president invited Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat to the White House to sign a peace agreement between Israel and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)?

Bill Clinton


Why do people in Egypt move to the cities from rural areas?

¿Por qué se mudan las personas en Egipto de las áreas rurales a las ciudades?

People in Egypt move to the cities from rural areas because they want jobs and a better education.


What are women in Saudi Arabia forbidden to do?

¿Qué se les prohíbe hacer a las mujeres en Arabia Saudita?

Women in Saudi Arabia are forbidden to drive cars.


In what country did the Olympic games originate (begin)?

¿En qué país se originaron los Juegos Olímpicos?
