What Parish is Cedarbridge located in?
What is Devonshire Parish
Where is Bermuda College located?
Paget Parish
How many years of highschool are there?
5 years
How many credits do you need to graduate?
What is 24
What year was Cedarbridge opened?
What is 1997
What is a sum of money given to you for school called?
A Scholarship
What are the two signatures that Cedarbridge offers?
What are Trades & Professions and STEM
What does STEM stand for?
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Who is the current principle at Cedarbridge?
Who is Mr. Kenneth Caeser
What year level can you begin dual-enrollment?
What is S3
How many meeting patterns are there?
What is 8
What is the name of the highschool diploma you will graduate with?
What is Bermuda Signature School Diploma
What does CBA stand for
What is Cultivating Bermuda's Achievers
What is name of the hotel attatched to Bermuda College?
What is Coco Reefs
What sciences are offered at high-school?
What are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Marine Science, and Combined Science
How many teachers work at Cedarbridge?
What is 70
What does "What about U.U.S" stand for
What is Unity, Understanding, Success
How many years does it take to earn a bachelors degree?
What is 3 to 4 years
This annual event sees Seniors dressed in caps and gowns
What is Graduation
How many [public] Senior schools are in Bermuda?
What is 2