Aseptic technique
Sterile field
NG tubes
Barium enemas

What is it 

-free of contamination
-Protects the patient from infection and
to prevent the spread of pathogens
and/or harmful microorganisms

  • What’s sterile and what’s not
  • What to do if sterility is in question

Microorganism-free area that can receive

sterile supplies

◦ Established using a sterile drape

◦ Contains no viable microorganisms

◦ Clean and dry materials only

◦ Unexpired and unopened materials

◦ Sterile corridor—area between patient

drape and instrument table


Act like it is unsterilzed


Foley catheters

  • What they are
  • Where they’re placed
  • Why is there a balloon attached?

1) Used to empty the bladder

2) Tip of catheter in urinary bladder cavity 

3) expand the opening 

  • What position should the patient be in when they’re placed
  • Where they’re inserted and tip should be

1)  Patient in high Fowler position

2)inserted through the nasopharynx into the stomach. Measure distance from nose to stomach. 

  • Which is most commonly used in radiology (single or double?)
  • What we would use water soluble contrast for

1) double

2) highlight the needed anatomy 


What procedures require it

o Biopsies

o Angiographic procedures

o Line placements

o Hysterosalpingography

o Arthrography

  • How two people in sterile attire pass each other
  • What to look for when first opening sterile package

1) 4 feet includes space for two people to meet and pass each other without touching either personnel wearing sterile attire standing at the sterile field or non-sterile surfaces 

2) first step in using a sterile drape is
confirming that the package is sterile. 



  • Important things to consider when x-raying a NICU baby

◦ Extra care required with aseptic techniques

◦ Often performed for transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) or respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

◦ The task of obtaining images of the infant and maintaining a safe environment without cross-infection is important.

  • Most common type
  • How nurse or physician can check placement (without x-ray)

1)Most common is Levin tube 

2)Try pulling back syringe of gastric fluid.
• Inject air and listen with stethoscope for “whooshing” sound.
• Tape in place 

  • Post-procedural care instructions for patients
  • What bowel preps include

The patient should increase fluid intake and dietary fiber for several days

unless medically contraindicated and should be instructed to rest after the examination.


 Stool softener

o Oil-based solution

o Always include some dietary restrictions

o Low-residue diet

o Purgation

o Includes laxatives

o Hydration

o Plenty of clear liquids required 24 hours before procedure

o Important to maintain the body’s fluid levels and blood pressure

o Can provide a small degree of nutrition


The goal of aseptic technique

Clean, sanitize, and disinfect

  • What needs draped
  • How to drop sterile contents onto a sterile field

1) ◦ Drop the contents gently onto the
sterile field from about 6 inches above
the field and at a slight angle.
◦ This technique helps ensure that the
package wrapping does not touch the
sterile field at any time.
field A sterile field is established using a
sterile drape. 

2) patient and medical instruments (C-arm)



  • What it does

Permanent pacemakers are electromechanical devices inserted under the patient’s skin to regulate the heart rate.

  • Patient instructions when removing NG tube
  • What a keofeed is


1)ask patient to take a deep breath as the tube is gently withdrawn.

2)Tube used for feeding patient

  • Definition of purgation
  • Enema tips

1) includes laxatives

2)  (Left) Plain barium enema tip. (Right) Barium enema tip with an inflatable cuff 


Sources of infection

◦ Skin

◦ Hair

◦ Nasopharynx

◦ Fomites

◦ Air

◦ Human error

◦ Cross-contamination



  • First rule of caring for a patient with a trach

Communication with tracheostomy patients is critical as their anxiety level is typically high.

  • What a colostomy is

surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface 


Chest tubes

  • Where the exterior draining chamber should be

below drainage site + pleural space.