Pop Culture
World Knowledge
Canadian Trivia

This director is known for films like E.T., Jurassic Park, and Schindler’s List

Who is Steven Spielberg?


This Renaissance artist is famous for painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

Who is Michelangelo?


This iconic Canadian dish, originating from Quebec, consists of fries topped with cheese curds and smothered in gravy

What is poutine?


This tech company, known for its search engine, was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford.

What is Google?


This acclaimed actor won his first Oscar for his role in the movie The Revenant after being nominated multiple times throughout his career.

Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?


The official residence of the President of Russia is located in this historic fortified complex in Moscow.

What is the Kremlin?


This vast national park, located in Alberta, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the oldest parks in the world

What is Banff National Park?


In 2009, a person or group under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created this digital currency, pioneering the concept of decentralized finance

What is Bitcoin?


In the show Game of Thrones, this character is elected Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch before later being declared King in the North

Who is Jon Snow?


This ancient city in Peru, located high in the Andes Mountains, was built by the Inca civilization and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What is Machu Picchu?


The 1995 referendum on sovereignty almost resulted in this Canadian province voting to separate from Canada, with the "No" side winning by a very slim margin

What is Quebec?


This cloud computing service, offered by Microsoft, is a major competitor to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a wide range of cloud-based tools and products.

What is Microsoft Azure?


This singer and songwriter broke records with their album 21, which became one of the best-selling albums of the 21st century

Who is Adele?


This country is the only one in the world whose flag is not rectangular or square

What is Nepal?


Canada became a fully sovereign nation in 1982 with the passage of this Act, which was signed by Queen Elizabeth II.

What is the Canada Act (or Constitution Act)?


This popular programming language, widely used for web development, shares its name with a type of gemstone and is known for its simplicity and productivity

What is Ruby?


This 1982 sci-fi film, directed by Ridley Scott, is set in a dystopian Los Angeles and has become a cult classic.

What is Blade Runner?


The Caspian Sea is bordered by five countries. Name one of them.

What is (any of the following): Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, or Azerbaijan?


The Trans-Canada Highway, one of the longest in the world, stretches from Victoria, British Columbia, to this eastern city in Newfoundland

What is St. John’s?


This type of artificial intelligence model is based on interconnected nodes or neurons and is inspired by the structure of the human brain.

What is a neural network?