Complete Sentences
Parts of Speech
Correct the error

Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

Also, to know how people existed in the past.

No, there is no subject.

Also, knowing how people existed in the past helps us better understand the present.

What is the part of speech of the following word?



Follow-up questions: 

How do you know it's an adjective? (100 points)

What do adjectives do? (100 points)


Change the sentence to have correct subject/verb agreement.

Both of them helps social science to explain and develop human society.

Both of them help social science to explain and develop human society.


There is an article error in the following sentence. Correct it.

The social science is a huge field, and it is very difficult for social scientists to be objective.

Social science is a huge field, and it is very difficult for social scientists to be objective.


Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

A paradigm, which is considered a scientific theory and a group of beliefs around it.

No, there is no verb for the main subject.

A paradigm, which is considered a scientific theory and a group of beliefs around it, is a popular concept in science.

A paradigm, which is a type of scientific theory, includes the core beliefs around it.


What is the part of speech of the following word?knowledge


Bonus questions: 

What is the verb? (50 points)

What is the adjective? (100 points)


Change the sentence to have correct subject/verb agreement.

Geography is the study of all natural environments that can has an effect on the individual and society.

Geography is the study of all natural environments that can have an effect on the individual and society.


There is an article error in the following sentence. Correct it.

The human cultures are not independent, and that is why we need to know about all of human society.

Human cultures are not independent, and that is why we need to know about all of human society.


Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

Political science, which is the study of social arrangements to maintain peace and order, within a given society.

Political science, which is the study of social arrangements to maintain peace and order, can be found within a given society.

(or some variation thereof)


What is the part of speech of the following word?



Bonus questions:

How do you know it's an adjective? (100 points)

What is the word for a person who does science? (100 points)


Change the sentence to have correct singular/plural agreement.

This can impact people's life negatively or positively.

This can impact people's lives negatively or positively.


There is a verb error in the following sentence. Correct it.

It is helps students to practice their writing outside of class.

It helps students to practice their writing outside of class.


Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

Rational thought based on observation and the best information available, educated common sense, is the kind of thinking that led to the scientific method.



What part of speech is the following bolded word?

We need to reach an understanding with each other.

Noun (gerund)

Bonus question:

Why is this NOT a verb in this sentence? (150 points)

What is a gerund? (100 points)


Parallel structure - all things in a list are the same part of speech

The scientific method includes observation, define the problems, observe some more, use the right information or data, organize the results, and draw conclusions.

The scientific method requires scientists to observe, define the problems, observe some more, use the right information or data, organize the results, and draw conclusions. (all verbs)


The scientific method includes observation, defining the problems, observing some more, using the right information or data, organizing the results, and drawing conclusions. (all nouns)


There is an error in the following sentence. Correct it.

The social scientist should do a research about the effects of social media on spreading misinformation.

The social scientist should do research about the effects of social media on spreading misinformation.


The social scientist should research the effects of social media on spreading misinformation.


The social scientist should do a research project about the effects of social media on spreading misinformation.


Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

When scientists find new evidence against the old theory, is known as a paradigm shift.

No, it is missing a subject for the main verb. 

When scientists find new evidence against the old theory, this/it is known as a paradigm shift.


What part of speech is the following bolded word?

Financial professionals say that you should be aware of your economic health before buying a house.


Bonus question: What is the noun that means "the study of financial systems"? (100 points)

What is the noun that means "the financial state of a country"? (100 points)


Change the sentence to have correct parallel structure.

The student, who had studied diligently for weeks, confidently answers every question on the exam.

The student, who had studied diligently for weeks, confidently answered every question on the exam.

Bonus question: What verb tenses are used here? (100 points)


There is an error in the following sentence. Correct it. (Hint: it is related to transitive verbs.)

We discussed about the project.

We discussed the project.

Bonus point: What is a transitive verb? (200 points)


Is the following sentence a complete sentence? If yes, say "yes." If no, give me a corrected version of the sentence.

Scientific knowledge that has been systematically gathered, classified, related, and interpreted.

No, it is missing a main verb.

Scientific knowledge is knowledge that has been systematically gathered, classified, related, and interpreted.

Scientific knowledge has been systematically gathered, classified, related, and interpreted.


What part of speech is the following bolded word?

She completed a paradigmatic analysis of the data her research lab collected.


Bonus points: Why do we know this is an adjective in this sentence? (100 points)


Change the sentence to have correct subject/verb agreement.

A group of birds fly overhead.

A group of birds flies overhead.


There is an error in the following sentence. Correct it. (Hint: it is related to verb forms.)

She suggested me to go.

She suggested I go.


She suggested that I go.


She suggested going.