The person or entity responsible for financing a production and acting as the final say on all business matters:
The period before rehearsals begin when the SM can set up their paperwork and space is called:
prep week
The SM puts together this paperwork to show who is in what scene / page of the script
Scene breakdown / Entrance and exit chart
The MainStage is an example of this type of theatre
Proscenium (or endstage)
The person responsible for painting the scenery and drops.
Scenic charge
The person responsible for planning all technical logistics, handling the budget, and hiring backstage crew:
Production manager
Some responsibilities of a stage manager include
Running the rehearsal room, taking blocking,
handling daily calls, running tech, calling the show
The ASM puts this paperwork together to show what goes where during scene changes
The studio theatre is an example of this kind of theatre (2 options)
Blackbox or flexible theatre
If you are a follow spot operator, who will send you your call time?
Stage manager
The person responsible for planning and overseeing the construction of the scenery
Technical director
Stage managers keep a record of the staging of the show by:
notating the blocking in their script
The SM sends this out at the end of each rehearsal (2 part)
Rehearsal report and Daily call
The MainStage has this type of system to bring scenery up into the air.
Counterweight fly system
When is the director generally involved in a production?
from conception to opening
The person responsible for overseeing the lighting hang and focus:
Master Electrician / Production Electrician
The stage manager can stop tech to make adjustments or for safety by:
calling hold
The SM makes this paperwork to show when rehearsals will be.
Rehearsal calendar
The production manager for the theatre department is:
Who generally runs the lighting for a production (as in hitting go on the console)?
The lighting operator
The person responsible for running technical rehearsals, among other things:
Stage Manager
The stage manager maintains the show as directed by:
Giving notes to actors and others after opening
The SM puts all cues for the show into this paperwork, which they call the show from:
Prompt book, show bible, calling script
How many lab hours do you need to do for this class (and submit on a spreadsheet)?
Who is responsible for where the props are placed onstage? (sort of a trick question)
Director, set designer, stage manager, prop manager, crew