$111 Million
What is the 2024 AWS Budget for Fannie Mae?
The ReportApp Number where the Committed vs. Uncommitted Spend Dashboard can be found
What is Report App Number 5671 or 129?
The ReportApp Number where the Enterprise Expense Engine (E3) Dashboard can be found
What is Report App Number 129?
The color blue
What is the color of technology shared services?
This team member is a published poet
Who is Giuseppe Fiumara?
To enable transparency and accountability related to AWS costs ahead of the Chargeback model in 2025
What is the main goal of the AWS Show Back Dashboard?
To provide transparency into our expense profile and help determine how much flexibility we have with our spend in the short term
What is the purpose of the Committed vs. Uncommitted Spend Dashboard?
(1) Consistent Reporting (2) Data access real-time (3) Ability to customize (4) Enhanced visualizations
What are the benefits of Self-Service Reporting?
The color pink
What is the color of dedicated technology support?
This team member has spent 1,200+ nights at Marriott Hotel properties
Who is Roshan Ramachandran?
This team regularly engages with business and tech users to optimize AWS Costs
Who is the Cloud FinOps Team?
Uncommitted Flexible Spend has the _______ level of opportunity to change spend direction in the short or mid term
What is the highest level?
This E3 tab in the Inquire module provides monthly burn rate analysis
What is the Run Rate tab?
The new budget operating model enables visibility into total cost of delivery including direct business & technology costs.
What is the purpose of the new block budget operating model?
This team member has visited twice as many countries as they have US States
Who is Tomas Darsin?
Consumption-driven usage costs
What type of AWS costs will be charged back to the business and technology user?
T&M Resources, including those with scheduled end dates, is the main example of this category of spend
What is Committed Flexible expenses?
This E3 module includes Full Year Trending and PO Balance details
What is the Explore module?
Improved alignement, insight to block make-up & the opportunity to tell the "block story"
What are the benefits to the block leads?
This team member has been bungee jumping and sky diving
Who is Jordan Mariner?
What is the average monthly FP&A interations with the AWS Show Back Dahsbaord?
The scenarios in which the Committed vs. Uncommitted Spend default selection can be overridden
What is Forecast PO, Misc Expenses, Other Comp (7.02) or T&M Resource Forecast (5.02)?
Enhanced Self-Service Reporting supports _______ by enabling proactive decision making for the business
What is Cost Transparency?
Feedback opportunity, enhanced spend accountability & comparison across blocks
What are the benefits to the CFO/President/COO?
This team member was bitten by a shark at age 6
Who is Bailey Shackleford?