What does CBT stand for?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is an automatic thought?
Automatic thought- A thought that often comes to mind without being aware of it.
What is positive psychology?
Focusing on strengths and behaviors to create and maintain meaning and purpose.
What is mindfulness?
A practice that we are fully engaged in at the present moment in time, and acknowledging our thought and/or emotions WITHOUT JUDGEMENT!
Why is support important?
We can receive assistance, improve mental & physical health, boost resiliency, reduce stress, and improve overall wellbeing.
What is the CBT triangle?
What is an example of an automatic thought?
Thinking you'll fail a test you haven't taken yet
"I didn't deserve that promotion because I'm not worth it"
"That person gave me a bad look, they hate me"
Why is recognizing our strengths important?
Can boost our self confidence/mental health and improve social relationships/experiences.
Also, it's easy to forget/not notice our own strengths because they feel routine, it's good to remind ourselves or have them recognized by someone else!
What is the 5-4-3-2-1 skill related to mindfulness?
Using our 5 senses during our activity/rest time to increase mindfulness.
(5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste)
True or false: You're weak if you ask for help
FALSE! (This is usually an automatic thought)
Everyone needs help sometimes and we are entitled to getting the help we need. It can feel uncomfortable asking, but most people genuinely want to help if they're able.
CBT can be used for a wide range of reasons, like mental health (depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, phobias, substance use, etc.), sleep problems, chronic pain, relationship concerns, or adjustments to life's stressors.
How can we challenge automatic thoughts?
Fact checking
Thought diffusion techniques
Cognitive restructuring (3 C's, Catch Check Change)
What is a growth mindset?
Believing that we can develop abilities/strengths by practicing techniques/skills.
What is EMO-RAT?
Emotion mind and rational mind.
Emotion mind- Emotions are in control, maybe behaving/saying things/thinking impulsively.
Rational mind- Being logical in our thinking, not really acknowledging the emotions.
Does everyone want the same type(s) of support?
Not always!
Everyone is different, someone may want advice while someone else may want someone to hang out with (physical support). These can change frequently too, even for one person.
*It's helpful to ask what type of support someone wants, try not to assume.
True or false: CBT is an evidence based practice
An evidence based practice is something that has been clinically researched and is proven to improve quality of care & patient outcomes.
True or false: Core beliefs can be changed
Core beliefs usually develop based on our life experiences and interactions, they can fluctuate all the time.
*Remember, not everyone's core beliefs will be the same!
True or false: Challenges are a normal part of life
Sometimes challenges occur in life, but rather than avoiding them or deny them happening, we can become more resilient and learn from them (again, having a growth mindset)!
What is wise mind?
Wise mind is a combination of EMO-RAT, where we are acknowledging our emotions, but we are also thinking things through before reacting.
*It is normal to drift to either of EMO-RAT, notice it, and gently bring yourself back to wise mind.
Where can we receive supports from?
Family, friends, co-workers, partners, pets, group members/therapists, ourselves, etc.
Does CBT focus on the past or the present?
Typically both!
CBT does primarily focus on the current time, but it still acknowledges how our past experiences have shaped us & our thoughts.
How can core beliefs be helpful? How can they be harmful?
Helpful- Can boost interactions & relationships, encourage us to try new things, can help with jobs, etc.
Harmful- Can have persistent negative thoughts about ourselves/others and/or the world and difficulty trusting.
What is behavioral activation?
Behavioral activation is trying something that maybe we've been avoiding or didn't think we could do, and then ranking how easy and rewarding it was afterwards.
True or false: Mindfulness is only used in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy).
Mindfulness is a component of DBT, but it can be applicable in many areas, including CBT work because we want to be more aware of how we are thinking and feeling.
What are the different types of support?
2. Verbal/emotional support (Validating emotions/experience, having a conversation)
3. Offering advice/solutions (showing them a skill, seeking feedback, help completing a task)
4. Tangible support/helping out (Lending money, giving them a ride, carrying something, etc.)