Sometimes our brains play tricks on us and make us believe things that aren’t really true. These thoughts are called...
Tricky Thoughts
This turtle thinks things will be WAY worse than they really are.
Catastrophizing Turtle
I got one answer wrong on my test, so I must be dumb.”
Labeling Lion
“I got one answer wrong, so I must be bad at math!” → What’s a better way to think?
“I got lots of answers right! I can learn from my mistakes.”
True or False? Tricky thoughts make us feel worse.
When we think tricky thoughts, it can make us feel this way.
upset, nervous, or angry
This whale sees things as ALL good or ALL bad—no in-between!
Black-and-White Thinking Whale
“My friend didn’t wave at me. They must be mad at me!”
Jumping-to-Conclusions Rabbit
“I tripped, so now everyone will laugh at me forever!” → What’s a better way to think?
“Everybody trips sometimes. People will forget about it soon!”
If we catch a tricky thought, we can ask ourselves this question:
“Is this really true, or is my brain playing a trick?”
True or False? Everybody has tricky thoughts sometimes
This fish only notices the bad stuff and ignores the good things.
Filtering Fish
“I spilled my drink. This is the WORST day ever!”
Catastrophizing Turtle
“My teacher looked serious today. She must be mad at me.” → What’s a better way to think?
“Maybe she’s just thinking about something else. I don’t know for sure!”
If we let the CBT animals take over our thinking, we might feel...
Worried, sad, or upset for no reason.
Tricky thoughts can make small problems feel like...
BIG problems
This lion gives labels to people or themselves—like ‘bad’ or ‘a failure’.
Labeling Lion
“I forgot my homework. I always mess up!”
Overgeneralizing Tiger
“I only see bad things happening today.” → What’s a better way to think?
“Good things happened too! I just need to notice them.”
One way to make a tricky thought less powerful is by...
“Saying a more helpful thought instead.”
If we learn about tricky thoughts, we can learn how to...
feel better and think in a helpful way
This rabbit jumps to conclusions and thinks they can read minds or see the future.
Jumping-to-Conclusions Rabbit
“I had fun at recess, but since I had a bad math test, today was a bad day.”
Filtering Fish
“My friend is sad. I must have done something wrong.” → What’s a better way to think?
“Maybe they had a hard day. It’s not always about me!”
Learning about CBT Animals helps us feel...
“Happier, braver, and more in control of our thoughts!”