distress protocol
rumination and mindfulness
problem solving
goal setting
coping skills

what does mindfulness mean

it means choosing to pay attention  to the present moment on purpose, without judgement 


what is rumination 

passively and repetitively focusing on one's symptoms of distress and the circumstances surrounding these symptoms 


what is problem solving 

the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues 


what are goals?

an objective or target that someone is trying to reach or achieve 


why are coping skills important

they increase resilience because they help people learn how to properly handle negative emotions.


when should intense exercise be used

when you are angry and at risk for damaging self, others, or the environment 


why does rumination matter

it makes you feel worse, it gets in the way of effective problem solving, and it takes away from the present moment 


what are good problem solving skills

analytical skills, a lateral mindset, and resilience 


why is goal setting important 

it helps trigger new behaviors, helps guide your focus, and helps you sustain momentum in life


what is an example of coping

making a bucket list, meditation, taking a break, self isolation, and jorurnaling


what is the TIPP skill used for

It's designed to activate the nervous system and is intended to be used in crisis situations


how can you practice being mindful ?

use mindfulness 5-4-3-2-1 and use as many senses as possible


what are some reasons people don't use problem solving when faced with a problem 

they don't know how to solve problems, they think problems are threatening, and they think it wont work


why are smart goals important

it sets you up for success by doing what it says like being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely


what are some common coping skill strategies 

lower expectations, ask others for help, engage in problem solving, and take responsibility for situations that impact you in the long run


why is it important to be mindful

its important so you can ground yourself in the present moment


if rumination has all of these negative effects, then why do people do it?

people often feel as though rumination is helpful. by ruminating, people feel like they might get to the bottom of why they feel depressed and figure out how to feel better


why is it important to not avoid problems 

avoidance may create additional problems


what does the smart goal stand for

specific, measurable , attainable, relevant, time-bound


how do you handle stressful situations?

take time to think, accept your feelings, and try to describe them in a sentence or two


what does TIPP stand for

temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation 


what to do so you can be mindful and present in the moment

do only one thing at a time, and avoid judging 


what are the 7 steps to problem solving

identify the problem, analyze the problem, describe the problem, look for root causes, develop alternate solutions, implement the solution, measure the results


what are the three types of goals 

process, performance, and outcome goals


what are the three coping strategies 

task-oriented coping, emotion oriented coping, and taking care of yourself