CBT Skills
Cognitive Distortions
Practice the Skills

What is frustration tolerance?

Frustration tolerance is the ability to deal with frustration, a negative emotion that arises when our goals are blocked or delayed. Frustration tolerance can vary from person to person, and it affects how we cope with setbacks and challenges. People with high frustration tolerance can handle frustration well and remain calm and flexible. People with low frustration tolerance may get easily frustrated and react with anger, anxiety, or depression.


Define cognitive restructuring.

A technique that helps people change the way they think. It involves 4 steps:

  1. Identification of problematic cognitions known as "automatic thoughts" (ATs) which are dysfunctional or negative views of the self, world, or future based upon already existing beliefs about oneself, the world, or the future.

  2. Identification of the cognitive distortions in the ATs.

  3. Rational disputation of ATs with the Socratic method.

  4. Development of a rational rebuttal to the ATs.


Define disqualifying the positive

When positive experiences are rejected.

Give an example of a negative thought, then reframe it. 



What does CBT stand for and what does it mean?

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

CBT suggests that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all connected, and that what we think and do affects the way we feel.


Define cognitive traps

Mindsets that are self-fulfilling prophecies or would compromise your way of thinking about a topic.

What is the purpose of rating scales?

Often, our irrational thoughts and behaviors exist in extremes. Using a 1-10(10 being the worst) helps to put our thoughts and behaviors in perspective.


Define overgeneralization. 

A cognitive distortion where a person assumes an experience from one event will apply to all other events. 


How can you practice mindfulness? 

Lots of right answers!


What are negative automatic thoughts?

Negative thoughts about yourself, your world, or your future that are assumed to be true.


Define emotional reasoning?

The idea that if you feel something, it must be true - extending your emotions beyond the situation to something much larger. 

Remember: Feelings are not facts!


Why do we "Examine the evidence" of our thoughts?

It encourages individuals to scrutinize their thoughts to prove or disprove if they are rational or irrational. By treating thoughts as hypotheses rather than facts, individuals can challenge maladaptive emotional responses and behaviors.


Define all or nothing thinking

Seeing things in black and white (no gray areas) in terms of opinions that you feel are ultimately right or wrong 

Give us an example of zooming out.

Will this matter in 5 days? 5 months? 5 years? 

How can you improve your social self-care?

Does anyone else have other suggestions?


What are cognitive distortions?

Irrational or exaggerated ways of thinking that frequently affect people with anxiety or depression. These internal mental filters can distort the way we see ourselves, our lives, and our relationships.


Define progressive muscle relaxation. 

A technique where a person intentionally tenses and then relaxes different muscle groups in their body. The goal is to release tension and induce a state of physical and mental relaxation. It can be beneficial for managing stress, anxiety, and sleep issues.


Define personalization.

As the title implies, this distortion involves taking everything personally or assigning blame to oneself.

Identify an intrusive thought (can be yours or a common one), then determine if it is an opinion or fact.

Keep practicing!


What's your favorite way to manage an intrusive thought?

There are many right answers.


What are the 3 points of the cognitive triad.

  1. Thoughts about the self

  2. Thoughts about the world/environment

  3. Thoughts about the future


Define Interpersonal Effectiveness. 

The ability to interact with others successfully. It involves skills that help us to.


Define catastrophizing. 

An irrational thought process where people imagine the worst possible outcome of a situation, even when there is limited information or objective reason to despair.


Challenge a "should" statement.

Keep practicing!

Demonstrate your favorite dance move.
You are a rock star!