The Three Gs which summarize the main motivations for European countries to explore.
What are God, Gold, and Glory?
This increased dramatically in Europe because the Columbian Exchange introduced the potato to the continent.
What is population?
Route that ships took from Africa to the Americas as they carried millions of enslaved people.
What is the Middle Passage?
Tobacco and rice of the Southern Colonies are examples of these because they made large amounts of money when traded in Europe.
What are cash crops?
Ponce de Leon explored the area that would become Florida in search of this.
What is the fountain of youth?
For the Catholic Church winning these was as important as gaining land.
What are souls?
His Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, defended native Americans and inspired new laws to protect them.
Who is Bartolome de Las Casas?
Triange Trade spread mercantilism to these three continents.
What are North America, Eurasia (or Europe), and Africa?
The ultimate goal of mercantilism was to obtain the greatest amount of these.
What are gold and silver?
Animals, plants, humans, bacteria, and technology were shared and traded amongst peoples on this.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The only lasting colony of Portugal.
What is Brazil?
French Jesuit priest and explorer duo who reached the Great Lakes and sailed down the Mississippi River in 1673.
Who are Marquette and Joliet?
The first permanent French settlement built in Canada in 1608.
What is Quebec?
When a country controls all of the trade in a specific area or region, it is known as this.
What is a monopoly?
Cattle, pigs, goats, chickens and horses were brought to this hemisphere during the Columbian Exchange.
What is the Western Hemisphere?
Considered the one earliest motivation of all for exploration.
What is finding trade routes that would lead to new spices?
He brought indigenous people back with him to Spain so they would learn the Spanish language.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
What is Spain?
Unwritten policy of the British government which led to lax enforcement of trade regulations for the North American colonies.
What is salutary neglect?
Massive numbers of native Americans were wiped out because European settlers brought this to their shores.
What is disease?
Montezuma II thought this man was a powerful god whose arrival the Aztec priests had prophesied.
Who is Cortes?
Man who is credited with connecting the Old World with the New World.
Who is Henry the Navigator?
Vasco de Gama helped create a large trading empire for Portugal around this.
What is the Indian Ocean?
European country that primarily focused on the fur trade in North America, especially in the states surrounding the Great Lakes.
What is France?
Because diseases spread easily on ships on the Middle Passage, they were called by this nickname.
What are floating coffins?