Ariba - Ariba!
Bollywood Stars
Procurement Services Leadership
Music's Mega Popstars
Target Acronyms

As an integrated software to Ariba, I help efficiently get contracts executed!

What is AdobeSign


He earned the title as King of Bollywood, and is an 8 time Filmfare Best Actor Award winner

Who is Shah Rukh Khan


She is Director of the Contract and Catalog Operations Team

Who is Heather Howard


Credited with over 150M record sales, this Canadian born singer had 7 #1 Albums by age 25 (his fans are knowns as Beliebers)

Who is Justin Bieber


Maintaining a consistent standard of performance is often identified as an SLA; what does SLA stand for?

What is Service Level Agreement


You typically can't have me without a proper parent agreement in place?

What is a Sub Agreement


Here in the States we know her as Mrs. Nick Jonas

Who is Priyanka Chopra


He leads the Sourcing Services Team

Who is James Warner


This singer/songwriter broke into Country Music before crossing over into Pop stardom, and she has sold more than 200M records while recently winning Billboards Women of the Decade

Who is Taylor Swift


While TCO can represent a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, it more importantly represents this to our COE negotiators and analysts

What is Total Cost of Ownership


An NDA is neither a Master or Sub; and instead is classified as what type of Agreement?

What is a Stand-Alone Agreement


He won the 2019 Filmfare Best Actor Award for his role in Sanju

Who is Ranbir Kapoor


He provides Director leadership for Target Procurement in India

Who is Joshith Padmanabhan


Born Peter Gene Hernandez, a native of Honolulu, Hawaii, this super hip and soulful star attained his first 5 #1 singles faster than anyone other than Elvis Presley

Who is Bruno Mars

What does KPI stand for within a contract? It helps make sure Suppliers do what they say they will do...

What is Key Performance Indicator


Contracts and Sourcing take place at the Parent Level of the Ariba system, what realm does Procurement and Go-Cart transactions take place within?

What is Child or Child1


She played badminton at the National level, was once named one of Time's top 100 most influential people, and formed her own company Ka Productions

Who is Deepika Padukone


As Director, she manages the CCM Team and her team spends a lot of time in Beeline

Who is Megan Lunsford


This English Singer/Songwriter has sold 150M records over the past decade including hits such as "Shape of You", "Thinking Out Loud", & "Don't"

Who is Ed Sheeran


This new Ariba Buying Channel launched in July of 2019 and is used to operationalize contracts terms; it's often referred to as what form of compliant spend?

What is IAC (Invoice Against Contract)


What Contract Field is populated that results in defaulting in what area or group has access to see that Contract?

What is the "Region" field


He won Filmfare Awards for his roles in Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat, and also happens to be married to Deepika Padukone

Who is Ranveer Singh


As a member of the original e-Procurement Team, this Director now leads the Procurement Services team

Who is Dan Hohmann


This pop star was known as the King of Pop, and is estimated to have sold over 350M records worldwide

Who is Michael Jackson


Our new organization Target Procurement changed its name from IS&P COE to help support our current TEP Project, what does TEP represent?

What is Tax Efficient Procurement