Misc. 1
When does..?
Amendable and Debatable?
Misc. 2

What steps must be completed to present a motion?

The following steps must be completed to present a motion:
1. Rising and addressing the president
2. Recognition by the president
3. Presenting the motion
4. Seconding the motion
5. Statement of the question


When does a vote go into effect?

A vote goes into effect following the announcement of the results of the voting.


is a point of order debatable and amendable

a point of order is undebatable and unamendable


what is the proper terminology to use when stating a main motion?

the proper terminology to use in stating a main motion is: " I move...."


Must one receive recognition to make a parliamentary inquiry?

recognition is not necessary to make a parliamentary inquiry


How is the reading of the minutes requested?

The reading of the minutes is usually requested by the president stating:
"We will now have the minutes of the previous meeting."


when must one request a division?

one must request a division before another motion is stated.


is a division debatable and amendable?

A division is undebatable and unamendable.


what is the proper terminology to use when putting the question?

the proper terminology when putting the question is
" those supporting the motion that... say aye. those opposed say no."
" those in favor of the motion that... raise your hand. those opposed raise your hand."


What is a quorum?

A quorum is the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting for the valid (legal) transaction of business to occur.


If, while a motion is on the floor the meeting is adjourned, what

happens to the motion on the floor?

If a meeting is adjourned while an item of business is on the floor that business will be
brought back at the next regular meeting in the form of Unfinished Business.


When the previous question is called for without qualifications, to what question does it apply?

if the previous question is called for without qualifications only the immediate pending question is affected


is the motion to withdraw or modify a motion debatable and amendable?

the motion withdraw or modify a motion is undebatable and unamendable


what is the proper terminology to use when stating an amendment?

the proper terminology to use when stating an amendment is
"I move to amend the main motion by.."
"I move to amend the amendment by"


May a division be reconsidered?

A division cannot be reconsidered.


what is the purpose of the motion to reconsider?

The purpose of the motion to reconsider is to permit the reconsidering of a vote
previously taken on a motion and to again reconsider the question


When a motion is referred to a committee, what happens to amendments that are pending to the main motion?

when a motion is referred to a committee amendments that are pending to the main motion are also referred


Is an appeal debatable and Amendable?

An appeal is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum (improper conduct), priority of business, or deviation from the rules of speaking. An appeal is unamendable.


What is the correct terminology to use in asking that a motion reconsidered?

The correct terminology to use in asking that a motion be reconsidered is:
"I move to reconsider the vote on the motion that...........I voted on the prevailing side.
(Note: There is no need to include the words "dot, dot, dot after the word "that, to, or on")


What vote is necessary to permit one to withdraw a motion?

before the motion is stated by the chair, the proposer may withdraw the motion without anyone's consent. NO vote is required. After the motion is stated by the chair, it belongs to the assembly and must receive a majority vote to withdraw


what is the purpose of suspending the standing rules?

the purpose of suspending the standing rules is to permit the chapter to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules.


When may a motion to adjourn be offered?

A motion to adjourn, when unqualified, may be offered at any time other than when the chapter is voting or verifying a vote, unless the vote is by ballot. A motion to adjourn, when qualified, may be offered only when no other motion is before the chapter.


is the motion to amend debatable and amendable

the motion to amend is debatable when the motion to which it applies is debatable; only an amendment of the first rank is amendable.


what is the correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee

the correct terminology to use when reffering a motion to a committee is:
" I move that we refer the motion that... to a committee"
" to a committee consisting of"
" to the standing committee on..."
( note: there is no need to include the words " dot dot dot" after the word "that" of " or on")


what is the purpose of calling for a division of assembly

the purpose of calling for a division of the assembly is to determine the accuracy of a vote, especially when taken by voice or by show of hand