Consent & SOAP Notes
Professional Compliance
Professional Boundaries
The Wild Card

What is active listening in the context of massage therapy communication?

Listening to clients' verbal and non-verbal cues.


What is the definition of consent in the context of massage therapy?

A voluntary agreement after being informed about the treatment


Why is compliance with regulations and ethical standards essential in massage therapy?

It promotes professional integrity and client trust


What is the primary purpose of maintaining professional boundaries in massage therapy?

To build trust and provide ethical care.


Over the summer, a massage student intends to return to Kenora to provide relaxation massages to earn some money. Can they do this?

No. Massage therapy is regulated in Ontario and therapists must pass the provincial exam to offer any type of massage. 


How can you handle disagreements in a respectful manner?

Use "I" statements to express your opinion


Why is obtaining consent important in massage therapy?

It ensures client autonomy, comfort, and safety


What is the purpose of obtaining professional liability insurance for massage therapists in Manitoba?

It protects against legal claims.


In the context of massage therapy, what do professional boundaries refer to?

The limits and guidelines defining the therapeutic relationship


A first-time client just left a bad review about how you were very intrusive during their treatment, but they consented to treatment during consultation and said nothing during the massage. Who is in the wrong?

It is the therapist's responsibility to obtain continuous consent throughout the treatment to make sure the client is still consenting to the treatment you are performing.


What should you do if someone appears confused during a conversation?

Offer clear explanations and encourage questions


What should be considered when working with vulnerable populations who may have diminished capacity to provide consent?

Involve a legally authorized representative or caregiver in the consent process


What does professional compliance refer to in the context of massage therapy?

Following provincial and federal governance, requirements and laws as well as the requirements by the regulators and associations.


What does "Practice professionally, regardless of personal beliefs" emphasize in massage therapy?  

Treating all clients with respect and non-discrimination


A client complains of chronic pain but never does the at-home care you encourage and they often cancel or reschedule their appointments, throwing off your treatment plan. How can you respond?

Acknowledge the client's concerns and act with empathy and an open mind.


What should you do after resolving a conflict to prevent future conflicts from escalating?

Maintain open lines of communication


What does SOAP stand for?

Subjective, Objective, Analysis, Plan


What are the key purposes of maintaining comprehensive practice records in massage therapy?

To track client progress and provide personalized treatments.


Why is setting clear and measurable goals important for effective personal care and lifestyle strategies?

It provides a roadmap for achieving well-being objectives


Your fellow therapist consistently leaves their laundry for the rest of the team to wash. When they have downtime you often find them in the staff lounge rather than helping out. How can you approach them without causing conflict?

- Use "I" statements

- Find common ground and shared interests

- Maintain an open mind and empathy


How should you handle difficult clients who are disrespectful or rude?

Stay calm and professional


What does "PHIA" stand for in the context of massage therapy documentation?

Personal Health Information Act


Why is it important for massage therapists to research and comply with local requirements?

To ensure the legality of their practice.


How should professionals adapt their personal care routines as they progress in their careers?

By continuously refining and adapting strategies based on evolving needs


You notice that there is a new client booked with you. There is a note that due to their beliefs, they cannot remove their clothes. You've never encountered this situation before, how might you prepare?

Educate yourself about their belief systems and ask lots of clarifying questions during the consultation.