A position on the defensive side of an American Football team shares this name with the class required before an individual is allowed to obtain a hunting license in the state of Utah.
The bride's room is located on this floor in the Cedar City temple.
What is the second floor?
Thanks to an Outcast song, this 80's technology became popular once again, but the company had to issue a statement telling people not to "shake" them, because it can actually damage the image.
What is a Polaroid picture?
A missionary is required to wake up at this time.
What is 6:30 am?
This is the nickname for the letter that a lady missionary receives when she is being dumped.
What is a Dear Jane?
In this section of the Doctrine and Covenants, you can find the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood.
What is Section 84?
This flower is found through the Cedar City temple.
What is the columbine?
This endangered animal, native to Southern Utah, greets its neighbors with kisses and is known to be cannibalistic when one of it's society is sick or dying.
What is the Utah Prairie Dog?
On your mission, you will have little to no use for this everyday thing, it's not even on your issued black tag.
What is your first name?
This famous Lady founded the Relief society.
Who is Emma Smith?
This company partnered with Chrysler in 1989 to put it's diesel motor into the Dodge Ram. It was a match made in heaven.
Who is Cummins?
This berry, native to the Cedar City area can be found in the decorations throughout the Cedar City temple.
What is the Juniper Berry?
The the name of Voldemort's pet snake in the Harry Potter series.
What is Nagini?
This missionary is in charge of multiple districts.
What is a zone leader?
The middle name of Joseph Smith's Mother.
What is Mack?
It's official name is the laryngeal prominence. Both men and women have one of these fruity body parts, but it is usually only visible on a man.
What is the Adam's Apple?
The 2 stained glass windows located at the east and west entrances to the Cedar City temple came from a Presbyterian church torn down in this place.
What is the Bronx, New York?
Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed these type of nuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.
What are hazlenuts?
Only this person can set you apart as a full-time missionary and release you.
Who is the stake president?
A Young LDS lady goes through these three classes before graduating into relief society. (must be in order to be correct)
What are the Beehive, Mia Maid, and Laurel classes?
At BYU, men are required to get a special note from a doctor in order to wear this thing without being disciplined.