Roles and Responsibilities
Communication Basics
Teaching and Learning
Clearly Defined Expectations and Competency
Delegation & Accountability Planning & Organization

Assures safety for all parties involved in direct care. The foundation of all preceptor skills

What is the protector?



The positive to negative ratio for providing feedback

What is 6:1

No situational experience. Possesses theoretical knowledge. Applies context-free rules. Inability to use discretionary judgement. We become this again when we are placed in an unfamiliar area of practice. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it"

What is a Novice?


Competency Outcome Performance Assessment.

What is a COPA?


Acceptance of individual responsibility for what is done, what is not done, acknowledging limits, seeking assistance/information/guidance, and personal growth and learning to serve patients.

What is the accountability statement?


Ensures competence in practice

What is validator/evaluator?


Two of the conflict management styles

What are: avoidance, collaboration, collaboration, accommodation, and competition (any two)?

A means of coping with the day to day, often challenging for new and experienced staff alike. Necessary to be able to handle stress more effectively

What is self-care?

Means of verifying competence.

What is observing actual performance, verbalization for skills that are not observed in actual practice, creating realistic experiences, test results, sampling?


Return Demonstration, evidence of daily work, and simulation


These define our practice, what can be delegated, and who is responsible.

What is the Nurse Practice Act, State Office of Regulation, Standards of Care, Job Description, Policy Statements, and Professional Organizations?


Developed the skills and capability of the new staff member

What is the educator?


The most important aspect of communication

What is listening?


Novice to expert transition requires this

What is belief in own ability, ability to integrate theory and principles into practice, ability to determine the most important aspects of a situation, movement from task-oriented to seeing the patient holistically, and change from a detached observer to an involved performer?


The GOLD STANDARD for competency validation?

What is OBSERVATION of actual performance in the clinical setting?


Christine's CURE and The Five Ps.

What are tools to assist with prioritization?


Acts as role model, socializer, and team leader

What is facilitator?


Most important thing to remember when communicating and interacting with others who are different than you

What is respect their differences and learn about them?

List three principles of adult learning

What is active input, learn from peers and instructor, engage in social learning, have options, associate new learning with prior experience, feel comfortable and safe, analyze and expand our needs and learning, positive feedback, move from simple to complex?


The difference between competence, confidence, and comfortable.

What is the new graduate being capable LONG before they are comfortable or confident? We must make sure they are capable - that is our role!


The four steps of delegation.

What is assessment and planning, communication, surveillance and supervision, and evaluation and feedback?


The two primary roles of the preceptor

What are protector and evaluator/validator?


Three steps of conflict resolution

1. Respect Others

2. Listen

3. State your feelings, needs, and views


Most effective way to enhance critical thinking

What is asking questions?


Five levels of Benner's Nursing Skill Performance (or the five levels on the COPA scoring key)

What is novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert (OR identified limitation, capable, performs independently, proficient, and expert)?


Five rights of delegation.

What is the right task, to the right person, at the right time, in the right circumstance, with the right supervision and feedback?