Earth Science (Landforms, Slow Changes)
Electrical & Light Energy
Earth Science (Soil, Sedimentary Rock, Rapid Changes)
Grab Bag

Name 3 agents of weathering, erosion, and deposition.

Weathering:  Wind, water, ice, living things (tree roots)

Erosion:  Wind, water, ice, gravity

Deposition:  Wind, water, ice


__________ energy does not require electricity to move objects.

Mechanical energy


Name 2 items that could be used to complete a circuit, if you didn't have any wires: ______ & _____

Name 2 items that COULD NOT BE USED to complete a circuit, because they DO NOT CONDUCT electricity like a wire does:  ____________ & _____________

Conductors that could complete a circuit:  paper clips, foil, nails, safety pins, pipe cleaners, copper, aluminum, gold, etc.

Insulators that could NOT complete the circuit:  rubber bands, Q-tips, yarn, plastic, popsicle sticks, etc. 


Name 3 RAPID of FAST changes to Earth's Surface:









__________________ is the ____________________ of light off of a shiny surface, such as a mirror or clam, still water. 




How are canyons formed?

Canyons are formed by running water such as rivers rubbing away and carrying away sediment over a long period of time. 


What energy transformation would be observed when using a hair dryer?  

A hair dryer converts electrical energy into thermal & mechanical energy


Refraction or the bending of light occurs because the speed of light decreases as it passes from one  _____________ into another.

The speed of light decreases as it passes from one medium into another.


What are the 5 steps that create sedimentary rock?

Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Compaction, and Cementation.


How can you tell if electricity will flow through a circuit?

Trace the flow of energy from the negative end of the battery to the positive end of the battery.  

Look for any openings, gaps, or conductors that would create an open or incomplete circuit.  
Make sure that the switches are closed.


Explain the difference between weathering, erosion, and deposition.

***Follow up question***  Hand motions :)

Weathering is the breaking down of rock into sediment.

Erosion is the carrying of sediment from one place to another.

Deposition is the dropping off of sediment into a new location.


Which of the following does not require Mechanical Energy to perform its main function:

pen, hammer, screwdriver, coffee maker, pencil sharpener

A coffee maker


Landry built a circuit with conductive wires and is hoping to make three buzzers sound at the same time. She bought the most conductive wire that they offered at the store and bought three brand new buzzers. She tested each buzzer before starting and they all worked. She connected each buzzer with the wire so the electrons could flow in a complete circuit, with no openings and no insulators! She double checked that the switch was connected properly and closed so the circuit should be on. The buzzer is not making any noise. What should she check next? 

No mention of a power source. Battery, wall outlet, etc.


Which soil type has large particle size, does NOT hold or retain water well, is light in color AND is not very good for growing plants? 

Which soil type has teeny particle size, holds or retains TOO much water, and is packed too tightly for most plant roots to push through?




Name 3 items or objects that are less dense than water.

Helium, air, wood, ping pong ball, feather, pencil, oil, etc.


How are v-shaped valleys formed?

How are u-shaped valleys formed?

V-shaped valleys are formed by riVers.

U-shaped valleys are formed by glaciers.


Explain the energy transformation or change for the following:

Rubbing sticks together to make a fire

What is......

mechanical energy to thermal & light energy?


The following would be examples of what?  

Why does this happen?

What is refraction or the bending of light?

Light slows down as it passes from one medium into another.


Which layer of sedimentary rock contains the oldest fossils?  Which layer of sedimentary rock contains the youngest fossils?

The oldest fossils are the fossils in the deepest layers of sedimentary rock (at the bottom of the sedimentary rock).

The youngest fossils are in the top most layers of sedimentary rock.


Name 4 things that are soluble in water.  (2 must be liquids and 2 must be solids)

Solids:  salt, sugar, baking soda, coffee, tea

Liquids:  honey, glue, food coloring, syrup, vinegar


How is a delta formed?

How are sand dunes formed?

A delta is formed by the depositing of sediment where a river meets the ocean.

Sand dunes are formed by the wind carrying sand and depositing it where it stacks up in piles.  


Explain the energy conversion or change for each item:

1.  Blender

2.  Television

What is.....

1.  Blender:  Electrical to mechanical

2.  Television:  Electrical to light & sound


Cameras, eyeglasses, microscopes, contact lenses, and video cameras work because they all contain  ________________ that _______________ light. 

What are lenses that refract or bend light?


What is compaction?

What is cementation?

Compaction is the squeezing of sediments due to the weight of the layers above.

Cementation is the gluing or binding of sediments together into a new rock.

  1. What do we know about the volume and shape of solids when we move them from one container to the other.  

  2. What do we know about the volume and shape of liquids when we move them from one container to the other. 

  3. What do we know about the volume and shape of gases when we move them from one container to the other.

  1. Solids maintain or keep their shape and volume. (Solids have a definite volume and shape).

  2. Liquids maintain or keep their volume, but not their shape. (Liquids have a definite volume, but no definite shape).

  3. Gases do NOT maintain or keep their shape or volume.  (Gases do not have a definite volume or a definite shape).