Finish That Lyric
You Thought AIA Was Over?
So You Think You Know Me?

"A dream is a wish your _____ makes, when you're fast asleep."

What is heart?


Name TWO flowers that were included in the bouquets for the Angels '24 Celebration. 

(Kate to confirm). 

What are the names of Harry Potter's parents?

Who are James and Lily Potter?


What is Joanne's favorite color?



“I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my ____.”

What is cardigan?


This honoree's adoption story is featured in the film Lifemark and he has become a leading advocate for adoption awareness.

Who is David J. Scotton?


What kind of wood is Harry’s first wand made out of?

What is holly?


What is the mascot of Joanne's alma mater? 

Go BYU Cougars!!!


“So if you care to find me, look to the ____.”

What is western sky?


This Angel's recommending MOC published a press release on 9/16. Who was the nominating MOC, and who was the Angel? 

Who are Sen. Mitch McConnell and the Bilby Family?


What does Harry name his children?

What is James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna?


What is Joanne's mantra?

Have courage and be kind.


From the Musical, Newsies: “Now is the time to seize the day, stare down the odds and seize the ____.”

What is day? 


This Angel was spotted on 8th St. Tuesday evening answering a phone call. Who was the Angel, who were they talking to, and what did they say? (must answer all three parts for credit).

Who is Gary Sandifer. 

Who is "uber driver". 

What is "Sandifer!".


What spell is used to summon objects in the wizarding world?

What is Accio?


What animal does Joanne think best represents her, and why?


Why answers accepted include: Being family-oriented and having strength!


"And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do, and I forget about you long enough to forget why I ____." (name that artist, song, AND that lyric!).

Who is Taylor Swift. 

What is "All Too Well".

What is "needed to". 


AIA '24 wouldn't have been the success it was without our awesome volunteer team. Can you name them all? (I counted 19!)

Who are Kathy, Suzanne, Sheila, Cammie, Olivia, Nathaniel, Alex, Erick, Isabella(?), Grace, Erin, Natalie, Sidney, Chris, Sam S., Sam P., Seton, Danielle, & Jenna?


A number of Wizarding Worlds of Harry Potter (also known under different names) can be found around the globe.  These expansive theme parks feature thrilling rides and immersive experiences. 

How many attractions are there worldwide, and where can they be found?

What is five.

Where is Orlando, Hollywood, Japan, Beijing, and Leavesden (outside of London ((London also accepted as an answer!)).  


How many snow globes does Joanne own? (price is right rules, closest without going over). 
