Equity Quotes
Name that Microaggression!
Remix! Microaggression: Name that!
Champions of Equity
No Place for Micro-Aggressions

"Talk with no action is an act of ___, not an act of allyship." - Louis Wedlock

What is "ego"?


Talking louder and slower to a blind person.

What is insinuating that a person with a disability is defined as lesser in all aspects of physical and mental functioning?


But where are you really from?

What is insinuating that someone can't actually be from where they say they are from (because of the way they look/talk)?


Affectionately referred to as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement", her refusal to give up her bus seat on December 1, 1955 sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal event in the Civil Rights Movement.

Who is Rosa Parks?


These are everyday hidden (often unintentional) messages that invalidate the group identity or experiential reality of target persons, communicating that they are lesser, do not belong with the majority, threaten or intimidate.

What are microaggressions?

"If they don't give you a seat at the ____, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm

What is a "table"?


An assertive female manager is labeled as rude (oftentimes called far worse) while her male counterpart is described as a forceful leader.

What is insinuating that women should be passive or gentle and that men should be decision-makers?


"You speak English very well!"

What is insinuating that someone shouldn't be expected to be articulate or proficient in the English language because of their identity?


This female education activist was the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate at the age of 17. She is the youngest Nobel Prize laureate in history, the second Pakistani and the only Pashtun to receive a Nobel Prize.

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


Many micro-aggressions may be informed by ____; defined as a tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone 

What is bias?


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the _________." - Desmond Tutu

What is the "oppressor"?


A black customer is followed through a store.

What is insinuating that - because of their skin color - they cannot be trusted around inventory/valuables?


"You're beautiful for a transgender girl."

What is insinuating that transgender people should not be expected to look a certain way (e.g. beautiful, handsome, feminine, masculine)?


This first president of South Africa focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation. 

Who is Nelson Mandela?


This is (name one) one of the techniques of the "four-D" model for responding to microaggressions.

What is Direct / Distract / Delegate / Display discomfort?


"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the ________." - D.H. Lawrence

What is the "calendar"?


"You don't throw like a girl!"

What is insinuating that girls/women are expected to be weaker than boys/men?


"Oh it's just a phase."

What is invalidating the identity/feelings of somebody (regardless of whether it is permanent or not)?


A champion for worker's rights, she organized farm workers, co-founding the National Farm Workers Association with Cesar Chavez in 1962 and played a key role in the 1965 Delano grape strike and subsequent boycotts, leading to significant labor reforms.

Who is Dolores Huerta?


The intent behind a comment about someone's identity is the defining component of a microaggression. (true/false)

What is false? Often microaggressions are unintentional. But the bias can still be harmful.


As Angela Davis once said, "I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change." Instead, she said, she was doing this.

What is "changing the things I cannot accept"?


"Don't try to Jew me down!"

What is insinuating that Jews are stingy and money-grubbing?


"Whoa, that is so inspiring. I didn't expect someone like you to be a scientist"

What is insinuating that someone - based on their skin color, gender, age, able-bodiedness, etc. - is expected to be less successful or intelligent.


This champion for equity when it comes to children in foster care fights the perception and scrutiny that our child-welfare system places on signs of poverty and labels it as child neglect -> which results in poorer families being far more likely to have a child removed from the home.

Who is William C Bell?


People who identify as a minority can still perform microaggressions. This framework helps us understand how groups' and individuals' social and political identities result in unique combinations of discrimination and privilege. 

What is intersectionality?