What ABG Syringe has an integrated mixing ball?
Who is Radiometer
What is the case quantity of the BD Preset Eclipse CCBC?
What is 100 eaches
Who is the internal BD contact for price negotiation on BD CCBC?
Who is Jill Buck
How many different skus of the BD CCBC products do we have?
What is 4
What competitive ABG syringe has a heparin disc?
Who is Radiometer
What is the smallest needle gauge offered in the BD Preset Eclipse CCBC?
What is 22G
What is the price of the BD A-Line greater than 150k units?
What is $0.47
What type of puncture is the BD CCBC products approved for?
What is an arterial puncture.
How many eaches per case in the Smiths Pro-Vent plus 3mL ABG syringe?
What is 200 eaches
What are three selling points when it comes to the BD Preset Eclipse CCBC?
What are:
1. Vented Plunger
2. Green hemogard cap with Luer-Lok.
3. Fully integrated pink safety shield with audible click.
The price of Eclipse Preset greater than 150k units
What is $0.62 each
What blood gas instruments are the BD CCBC products approved for?
What is all instruments.
What are the units of heparin per mL for the ICU Pro-Vent syringe?
What is 23.5 IU per mL.
What is the heparin concentration per mL in the BD Preset CCBC?
What is 50 IU balanced Hep.
Final concentration: 80 IU balanced Hep. Draw volume is 1.6mL.
What is the price of the BD Preset Eclipse CCBC under 75k units?
What is $0.81 each.
How long do you have to hold the gauze over the puncture site after the sample is drawn?
What is 5 min